[mapserver-users] Projection library error - EPSG Issue

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Wed Feb 9 11:00:21 EST 2011

On 11-02-09 08:56 AM, phil7g wrote:
> Hi!
> Im experiencing a problem when trying to set up a GIS with mapserver and
> mepbender. First of all, this link leads to a working version of my data in
> the "map-mode" of mapserver
> http://gis-test.geomatik.rub.de/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/srv/www/htdocs/GIS2/Studieren_in_Bochum.map&mode=map
> . As soon as I want to move the data to mapbender by using a wms/wfs in
> order to add a gui etc., I'm getting an error message
> (msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 2).
> I've no idea what's wrong here and would be very thankful for any
> suggestion. Could it be a problem with the EPSG-file or the EPSG-path in the
> mapfile? In mapbender, the only given choice when trying to change the
> EPSG-Code for my WMS is "4326"... but it should be 31466 (as you can see in
> the mapfile below)... If you need more data to analyse the problem, just
> tell me and I'll provide it.
> Eagerly awaiting your answers,
> best regards,
> Phil
> So long!
> Here is the mapfile (as you can see, I've already tried to fix the problem.
> "init=epsg:31466" produced the error - msProcessProjection(): Projection
> library error. no system list, errno: 2, as well):


First, could you confirm that /usr/share/proj/epsg (or possibly
/usr/local/share/proj/epsg) has a definition for 31466?

Second, if you enable PROJ.4 level debugging you can get output on
where the epsg init file is being searched for.  I would normally try
this by setting the PROJ_DEBUG environment variable to any value (ie. "on")
and then running the request at the commandline.  PROJ.4 will write some
debug output to stderr.  If you can't easily do things at the commandline
set the environment variable in your mapserv wrapper script or in the
apache config file, and then inspect the apache error log.


warmerda at gdal65[214]% setenv PROJ_DEBUG ON
warmerda at gdal65[215]% proj +init=epsg:31466
pj_open_lib(epsg): call fopen(/home/warmerda/bld/share/proj/epsg) - succeeded

If the epsg init file is not properly being found, consider setting
the global PROJ_LIB environment variable to point to the directory
where it is, or move it to the directory PROJ.4 is looking in.

If you lack the definition add this to your epsg init file:

# DHDN / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 2
<31466> +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=6 +k=1 +x_0=2500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel 
+towgs84=582,105,414,1.04,0.35,-3.08,8.3 +units=m +no_defs  <>

(note from <31466> to <> is all one line)

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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