[mapserver-users] formatting in HTML templates

David Hildebrand David.Hildebrand at afsc.ca
Tue Feb 15 14:41:01 EST 2011

This may be slightly off the MapServer topic but my problem is related
to a MapServer implementation.


I am retrieving the date and time from the shapefile DBF of my layer in
the following format (yymmddhhmmss).  The string represents the UTC time
of satellite image acquisition.  I want to convert that to local time
and express it as a normal date string (e.g.: July 8, 2009 10:45:25 AM).
I'm thinking I can do that with PHP code embedded in the template.  I
know my server has PHP support but when I try to embed a simple 'Hello
world' in the template it seems to be ignored.  Would it be better
define a URL to the PHP code (in stead of a template) and then build the
entire HTML page dynamically?



David V. Hildebrand
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation
(403) 782-8239   

www.afsc.ca <about:www.afsc.ca>  <http://www.afsc.ca
<http://www.afsc.ca/> >
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