[mapserver-users] MySQL Join

Michael Neimeyer mike at gisrangers.com
Fri Feb 18 10:50:27 PST 2011

Hello all -

I am trying to do a Join from a shapefile to a MySQL table but I am getting
an internal error.  I am not interested in any spatial reference, I just
want to link up the shapefile to the MySQL table to reference data for the
identify service.  One thing I noticed is the templates for the JOIN are not
being recognized so that might be causing an issue.  I don't need to use the
JOIN templates as I plan on defining the columns in the Metadata reference.

Any idea why the JOIN might not be working for MySQL?  Is there a certain
version of MySQL that is needed for MapServer?

Thanks for your help!


*Mike Neimeyer
GIS Project Manager*
*GIS Rangers, LLC.
2434 Virginia Circle
Roseville, MN. 55113
(M) 612.695.7325
**mike at gisrangers.com* <mike at gisrangers.com>
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