[mapserver-users] OGR VRT ODBC connection problem

pcreso at pcreso.com pcreso at pcreso.com
Sun Feb 20 16:12:21 PST 2011


Apologies for the cross posting, but I figure there are experts on both lists.

I'm trying to get a ogr virtual connection working from a Linux host to a remote Oracle DB to use mapserver for a WFS service providing the required data..

ODBC is working, eg:

sqlplus user/user at metp
select count(*) from land_station;


However, when testing with ogr2ogr, I get:

ogrinfo ODBC:user/user at metp land_station

libnuma: Warning: /sys not mounted or no numa system. Assuming one node: No such file or directory

and the terminal window hangs, I'm unable to get any response, & have to kill the connection to continue.

Any suggestions?


  Brent Wood

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