[mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript, label with self created text

Milo van der Linden milo at dogodigi.net
Wed Feb 23 10:19:04 EST 2011

Hello people,

I have created a piece of mapscript that takes a key/value pair and creates
class-coloring according to this. This works perfectly well except for one
tiny little thing:

I want to add $v as a label to my classes.

My question is: Is it possible to assign static text to a label? Because if
it is not; I would have to query the underlying layer for it's centroid and
create a text label on top of that layer.

For instance something like:
$theme_label[$i]->set("labeltext", $v);

foreach ($mycollection as $k=>$v) {
        $tc = $theme->getColourValue($v);
        //$theme_label[$i]->set("font", "sans");
        //$theme_label[$i]->set("type", "truetype");
        //$theme_label[$i]->set("size", 10);
        //$theme_label[$i]->set("labeltext", $v);
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