[mapserver-users] need an urgent help about changing localhost

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sat Feb 26 11:08:41 PST 2011

On 2/26/2011 12:58 PM, ahmet temiz wrote:
> hello
> I need an urgent help.
> I am confused.
> Do I have to change localhost to a another host during production
> stage in map file ?
>      CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>      CONNECTION "dbname='bzk2' host=localhost port=5432 user='orkun'
> password='222222'"
> I will appreciate if you supply an explanation
> kind regards

localhost is a generic name the refers to the which is the 
host that the process is running on.

So if in production you server is on the same system as mapserver and 
postgresql is setup to answer connections from localhost then you do not 
need to change anything.

If you have a separate host that the database is running on then tiy 
will need to change "localhost" to point to the host that the database 
is running on. And the database must be configured to accept connection 
from the mapserver host.

-Steve W

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