[mapserver-users] HTML Legends; In sore need of a sample mapfile

Siegel Andreas Andreas.Siegel at vorarlberg.at
Thu Jan 27 10:52:38 EST 2011

Hi Bill.
My name is Andy and i am responsible for setting up a WMS-Server for our geodata.
Our WMS-Services preform rather well so now the goal has shifted towards details like legends.
I found you via the mappserver-uses mailing list where you asked:
[mapserver-users] HTML Legends - What Good Are They?
1.) Did you by chance found out what they are good for? I think they offer much more freedom than simple image-legends.
2.) Are you willing to share, or know of,  a mapfile where i could find what and where to put in a mapfile in oder to generate a nice, meaningful legend.
Thanks a lot
PS: I do like mapserver but the documentation is in sore lack of examples.
Mag Andreas Siegel
Landesvermessungsamt Feldkirch
Johannitergasse 6, A-6800 Feldkirch
Tel: +43(0) 5522 / 75482 - 60227
Fax: +43(0) 5522 / 75482 - 6
E-Mail: andreas.siegel at vorarlberg.at <mailto:andreas.andreas.sandreas.siegel at vorarlberg.at> 
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