[mapserver-users] Mapserver Storage

tigana.fluens at gmail.com tigana.fluens at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 00:41:42 PST 2011

Hello guys, we're a startup and new to mapserver. We're expecting large 
amounts of data to come by (at least on our scale) around 40-60TB of 
raster images for mapserver to render. My question is for the 
infrastructure, what is the best way to store this (cost-efficiently)?

- Do we just get a dedicated server with a lot of HDDs? I'm looking at a 
48TB setup in RAID 1+0 so i get 24TB right what happens now if we need 
more? Also, how can we scale from the mapserver side?  Is access to 
different storage servers possible?
- I've considered SANs but then it's not practical right because only 
one machine will access the storage?
- What about Amazon's S3? or EBS? Anything we can use on that?

I wish to get awesome advice on this storage issue, basically what the 
considered best practice is for the mapserver people :P Thanks

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