[mapserver-users] ENC: Openlayers Identify Problem

Lime, Steve D (DNR) steve.lime at state.mn.us
Thu Jun 9 05:26:52 PDT 2011

Looking at the URL it seems to be operating in image coordinates which is fine but there's no image size passed (nor one defined in the mapfile) so my guess
is that MapServer can't turn that click into a real map coordinate. Try adding the imgsize variable to your query call.


From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Matheus Lacarini [matheus.lacarini at sntgeo.com.br]
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 7:02 AM
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapserver-users] ENC: Openlayers Identify Problem

Hello all,

I´m from Brasil and i have a problem with the openlayers identify my query its perfect in the mapfile and the layer file but the query result :msQueryByPoint(): Search returned no results. No matching record(s) found.My url is : http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?img.x=762&img.y=433&mode=query&layer=gtile_topodata&map=C:/var/webmapit/mapserver.d/mapfiles/users/sntgeo/sntgeo-map_004.map&imgext=-104.42206737491+-39.398253504337+-2.9560446250874+11.398253504337

Part of my map file :
NAME                                  "sntgeo-map_004_"
                EXTENT                                               -95.883434 -35.000146 -11.494678 7.000146
                FONTSET                                            "/var/webmapit/mapserver.d/fonts/wmi_defaultFontSet.cfg"
                CONFIG                                              "MS_ERRORFILE"                "c:/var/webmapit/mapserver.d/mapfiles/users/sntgeo/sntgeo-map_004.errors.log"
                DEBUG                                5
                IMAGETYPE                       AGGPNG24
                MAXSIZE                                            4096 #-- Larg/Alt maxima da imagem de saida 2384 = A0
                SHAPEPATH                       "/var/webmapit/mapserver.d/mapfiles/users"
                SYMBOLSET                       "/var/webmapit/mapserver.d/symbols/wmi_defaultSymbolSet.sym"
                UNITS                                  DD

                INCLUDE "/var/webmapit/mapserver.d/mapfiles/include/wmi_map_outputformats.map"
                INCLUDE "/var/webmapit/mapserver.d/mapfiles/include/wmi_projection_4326.map"
                               IMAGEPATH                                     "/var/www/html/tmp/" #--alterar no servidor
                               IMAGEURL                                        "/tmp/" #--alterar no servidor
                               HEADER  "topodata_web_header.html"
                               FOOTER "topodata_web_footer.html"

Layer file:
                HEADER  "C:\var\webmapit\mapserver.d\mapfiles\users\sntgeo\topodata_muni_header.html"
                TEMPLATE "C:\var\webmapit\mapserver.d\mapfiles\users\sntgeo\topodata_muni_temp.html"
                FOOTER   "C:\var\webmapit\mapserver.d\mapfiles\users\sntgeo\topodata_muni_footer.html"


 // INI: http://dev.openlayers.org/releases/OpenLayers-2.10/examples/click-handler.html

                                               OpenLayers.Control.Click = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
                defaultHandlerOptions: {
                    'single': true,
                    'double': false,
                    'pixelTolerance': 0,
                    'stopSingle': false,
                    'stopDouble': false
                initialize: function(options) {
                    this.handlerOptions = OpenLayers.Util.extend(
                        {}, this.defaultHandlerOptions
                        this, arguments
                    this.handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Click(
                        this, {
                            'click': this.onClick
                        }, this.handlerOptions
                onClick: function(evt) {
                    var tempXY = explodeArray(evt.xy,',');
                                                                                              var aX = explodeArray(tempXY[0],'=');
                                                                                              var aY = explodeArray(tempXY[1],'=');
                                                                              var tmpPixel = new OpenLayers.Pixel();
                                                                              tmpPixel.x = aX[1];
                                                                              tmpPixel.y = aY[1];
                                                                              var aLonLat = map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(tmpPixel);
                                                                              doIdentify(aLonLat.lon,aLonLat.lat, aX[1], aY[1] );
                                                                              //alert('X=' + aLonLat.lon + ' Y=' + aLonLat.lat);

                                               var controls;
                                               controls = {
                    "single": new OpenLayers.Control.Click({
                        handlerOptions: {
                            "single": true


                                               var props = document.getElementById("props");
                                               // FIM: http://dev.openlayers.org/releases/OpenLayers-2.10/examples/click-handler.html

                                                                              // INI - do identify...

                                                               var control;

                for(var key in controls) {
                    control = controls[key];
                    // only to route output here
                    control.key = key;



                                               function toggle(key) {
                var control = controls[key];
                if(control.active) {
                } else {
                var status = document.getElementById(key + "Status");
                status.innerHTML = control.active ? "Navegar" : "Consultar";

What is the problem?

Matheus Lacarini

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