[mapserver-users] purchasing satellite imagery

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Thu Jun 9 14:02:33 PDT 2011

Spot Image has some cost effective imagery (up to 2.5 meter resolution), 
or have a look at Ikonos imagery(from SpaceTurk) at 1.0 meter.   But 
there are other satellites (with lots of options) available, so you may 
want to contact a imagery reseller.

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

On 6/9/2011 11:34 AM, Esmin Gracic wrote:
> Hi all.
> We're in process of developing robust eGov solution including GIS 
> (using mapserver/postgis/pgrouting :) ).
> This municipality has 1.059 km2.
> Do you have any recommendation on where to purchase satellite imagery, 
> and which scale/resolution do you recommend. Basic GIS usage is TAX 
> calculation based on more than 70 parameters (mostly including 
> distances to important institutions and road types etc...). This is 
> based on vector data, but great imagery is also in client's interest.
> Some estimated prices per km2 would be nice, too, 'cause I need to 
> give some numbers to the client.
> I've googled around, but would like some info from firsthand users. 
> Quickbird has a resolution of 0,6 meter, but I guess that would be 
> overkill (and overpriced for client)
> Thanks!
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