[mapserver-users] Requested BBOX outside requested coverage

Virginia Maffei vmaffei at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 14:46:35 PDT 2011

Hi, i want to do a getcoverage with wcs but the log throws:

[Sat Jun 11 18:27:50 2011].26000 msWCSGetCoverage(): WCS server error.
Requested BBOX
(-66.5079075029609,-84.6440997947261,-30.3257514953085,-83.1977984037033) is
outside requested coverage BBOX
[Sat Jun 11 18:27:50 2011].26000 freeLayer(): freeing layer at 021CB940.

the url is:


Could someone explain me whats wrong and how does bbox works?

Sorry, but i'm very new at this...

thank you!

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