[mapserver-users] query results lost

Worth Lutz wal3 at mindspring.com
Sun Jun 12 05:43:40 PDT 2011

This is probably related to the different ways results are accessed in PHP
MapScript.  This changed between version 5.4 and 5.6 and again between 5.6
and 6.0.  See the two functions below.  The first shows the differences
between the versions.  The second function is trying to get an object with
numResults and bounds of the results in it.  This is easy in version 6.0 but
requires a loop to get the bounds in earlier versions.  This loop will show
you the differences in version 5.4 and 5.6.  Note the layer->open and close
used only in version 5.4.


I hope this helps.



  static function layerGetShape($layer, $result) {

    if (MAPSERVER_VERSION < 50600) {

      $shape = $layer->getFeature($result->shapeindex);

    } else if (MAPSERVER_VERSION < 60000) {

      $shape =

    } else {

      $shape = $layer->getShape( $result );


    return $shape;



  static function layerGetResultsObj($layer, $getBounds = FALSE) {

    $debug = Debug::getInstance();



    $results->numresults = $layer->getNumResults();

    $debug->log(__FUNCTION__." - results->numresults =


    if (MAPSERVER_VERSION >= 60000) {

      $results->bounds = $layer->getResultsBounds();

    } else {

      $results->bounds = NULL;

      if ($getBounds && $results->numresults > 0) {

        $debug->log(__FUNCTION__." - in get bounds if");

        $result = $layer->getResult(0);

        $debug->log(__FUNCTION__." - shapeindex=".$result->shapeindex);


        if (MAPSERVER_VERSION < 50600) {


          $shape = $layer->getFeature($result->shapeindex);

        } else {

          $shape =



        $results->bounds->minx = $shape->bounds->minx; 

        $results->bounds->maxx = $shape->bounds->maxx; 

        $results->bounds->miny = $shape->bounds->miny; 

        $results->bounds->maxy = $shape->bounds->maxy; 


        $debug->log(__FUNCTION__." - before loop");


        for ($i = 1; $i < $results->numresults; $i++) {

          $result = $layer->getResult($i);

          if (MAPSERVER_VERSION < 50600) {

            $shape = $layer->getFeature($result->shapeindex);

          } else {

            $shape = $layer->getShape( $result );



          if ($shape->bounds->minx < $results->bounds->minx) {

            $results->bounds->minx = $shape->bounds->minx;


          if ($shape->bounds->miny < $results->bounds->miny) {

            $results->bounds->miny = $shape->bounds->miny;


          if ($shape->bounds->maxx > $results->bounds->maxx) {

            $results->bounds->maxx = $shape->bounds->maxx;


          if ($shape->bounds->maxy > $results->bounds->maxy) {

            $results->bounds->maxy = $shape->bounds->maxy;




        $debug->log(__FUNCTION__." - results->bounds-> ".
$results->bounds->minx.", ".$results->bounds->miny.",
".$results->bounds->maxx.", ".$results->bounds->maxy );


        if (MAPSERVER_VERSION < 50600) {





    $debug->log(__FUNCTION__." - at end"." - results->numresults =

    return $results;







From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Ben Thompson
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 11:06 AM
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapserver-users] query results lost


Hello...we upgraded to the latest ms4w version 3.0.1 (MapServer and
MapScript to 5.6.6 )

and some things went bad. after doing a $oLayer->queryByPoint which yields
results (layer->numresults>0), a call to $map_object->saveQuery yields a
file showing *no results*:


MapServer Query - Generated by msSaveQuery()
1 1 33 -1
10718763.8336106 3518854.14068547 -1 0
-1 -1 -1 -1
-1 -1 1

so I rewrote our code to avoid using that...a php is loaded into an iframe
(frame.src=blablabla.php?xxx),  in which the query results are accesed via
$map_object->$oMapSession->oMap...all layers have ->numresults=0


anyone have a clue as to what went bad? the code worked fine in an older






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