[mapserver-users] Asking for guidelines about a project

Saka Royban sakaroyban at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 19 23:10:01 PDT 2011

I don't know how to express my thanks to your helpful answer and Brent Fraser, 
as well. 

specially, i wasn't careful about using views in this application. 

>>You don't need a table per vehicle, as all share the same columns, you  just 
>>need to have a vehicle id >>column to be able to select the required  vehicle 
>>from the table.

I didn't get what ur meaning. No table per vehicle? while i have to store every 
point with its time, so it means 1 record for each point. (Can i have an array 
of time in one cell? if so, it means i have a line of points in one cell, and 
corresponding array of times in another cell)

>>Do you want a fixed map extent & just show vehicles in that region?
>>Do you want to have  the map automatically zoom to an extent covering all 
>>currently displayed vehicles?
>>Do you want the map to automatically recenter on a vehicle point as the point 
>>nears an edge of the map?

Of course, user selects some vehicles, and if not in current displayed region, 
map automatically changes the displayed extent.
Around recentering map when a vehicle reaches map edges, I think (if i'm wrong 
Plz correct me) it would be done via Openlayers with some scripting. As it knows 
current extent and new position of vehicles, it is possible computing whether 
vehicle reaches edge or not.

Best Regards

From: Brent Wood <pcreso at yahoo.com>
To: MapServer <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org>; Saka Royban 
<sakaroyban at yahoo.com>
Sent: Sat, June 18, 2011 3:08:47 AM
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Asking for guidelines about a project

Given how these sorts of things tend to grow, it may also be worth planning for 
a system to store the vehicle/points/times, as well as maintain the "live" table 
of vehicle positions.

In fact the table of live positions can simply be a view on the historic table 
providing the current situation instead of a physical table.

>From this you can automatically generate hourly or daily tracklines (linestrings 
made up from the points within an interval ordered by time) which can also be 
made available by mapserver, via an interface allowing users to select vehicles 
& start/end times to show where they have been as well as where they are, or 
where were they at a specified time.

With respect to automatic on screen map updates, it can get complicated: 
Do you want a fixed map extent & just show vehicles in that region?
Do you want to have  the map automatically zoom to an extent covering all 
currently displayed vehicles?
Do you want the map to automatically recenter on a vehicle point as the point 
nears an edge of the map?

A fixed extent is relatively easy, & can be done with a just mapfile & HTML 
(have the web page retrieve the map automatically as a URL via WMS as often as 

You don't need a table per vehicle, as all share the same columns, you just need 
to have a vehicle id column to be able to select the required vehicle from the 

More powerful & flexible approaches are more complicated, but can be done. It 
very much depends on what you want to do.


Brent Wood

--- On Sat, 6/18/11, Saka Royban <sakaroyban at yahoo.com> wrote:

>From: Saka Royban <sakaroyban at yahoo.com>
>Subject:  Re: [mapserver-users] Asking for guidelines about a project
>To: "MapServer" <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org>
>Date: Saturday, June 18, 2011, 4:56 AM
>Thanks for ur answer and also Josh's answer.
>In fact, i should be able to display path of vehicles (usually more than 1 
>vehicle in display area) and also be able to save points passed by vehicles and 
>time of passing (for some queries). Cause of that, i thought maybe i need one 
>table per vehicle.
>Do u think any more idea?
>Best Regards
From: Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com>
>To: Saka Royban <sakaroyban at yahoo.com>
>Cc: MapServer <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org>
>Sent: Fri, June 17, 2011 7:49:20 PM
>Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Asking for guidelines about a project
> The database schema depends on what you want to do with the data     (display 
>current position?  A track of historical positions?), and     how much data you 
>expect (how may objects will be tracked?  how     often will they report?).
>A simple schema would have one table (e.g. "vehicles"), with one row     per 
>tracked object
>Table: Vehicles
>ID:    Name:         Position:       Status:   UpdateTime:
>1      My Car        point(51,-115)  active    2011-06-16       10:23:54+02
>2      Another Car   point(52,-116)  inactive  2010-05-15       11:13:12+02
>With this schema, when a new position arrives for  "My Car", an     update 
>statement is issued to change the row's Position and     UpdateTime (and 
>possibly Status).
>  The table is treated as a PostGIS point layer by mapserver.
>  In my implementations, the position data was updated every 30 to     60 
>minutes (they were ships and construction vehicles), so there was     no need to 
>ask mapserver to regenerate a graphic every second; an     updated map was shown 
>whenever a user did a pan or zoom.  You may be     able to configure OpenLayers 
>to do a CGI request to mapserver every     few seconds, but I've never done 
>Best Regards,
>Brent Fraser
>On 6/16/2011 11:52 PM, Saka Royban wrote: 
>Thanks a lot brent
>>I checked provided link and i;m gonna give it a try.
>>About ur helpful advices, i'm confused about how to save data           in 
>>PostGIS? with what schema? 
>>I mean i have to keep track of each paced point by moving           objects. 
>>Should i record each point as a record, so it means           one table per 
>>moving object ?
>>Also for displaying these varaiant data, there should some           sort of 
>>plan. I don't think i'm able to say to MapServer CGI           at each second 
>>connect to PostGIS and read the new data, then           i have to use 
>>MapScript. Am i right? (Can this process be done           via OpenLayers?)
>>Best Regards
From: Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com>
>>To: Saka               Royban <sakaroyban at yahoo.com>
>>Cc: MapServer <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org>
>>Sent: Tue,               June 14, 2011 7:14:08 PM
>>Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Asking for guidelines about a               
>> Saka,
>>  I've had good success using PostGIS for data storage in             
>>implementing tracking systems.  While you'll need to create             your own 
>>code for updating the positions in the database,             mapserver can read 
>>points from PostGIS and can render the             points into a map image for 
>>use with the OpenLayers client.
>>  There are other solutions too, like OpenGTS 
>>Best Regards,
>>Brent Fraser
>>On 6/14/2011 12:08 AM, Saka Royban wrote: 
>>Hi all.
>>>Strictly Speaking, i have a project that i should                   display some 
>>>moving objects on a map via browser.
>>>Generally, i don't know how to start? i mean how                   should i save 
>>>these time-based objects in DB and how                   to retrieve and display 
>>>them via Mapserver? where                   should i use client side scripting 
>>>like OpneLayers?
>>>Any help woudbe greatly appreciated.
>>>Thanks in advance
>>>mapserver-users mailing list
>>>mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
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>>mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
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