[mapserver-users] MapServer 6 - CGI but php mapscript not

Eduardo Kanegae eduardo.kanegae at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 17:07:28 PDT 2011


When trying to load php_mapscript module my PHP crashes and report the
following error:

[17-Jun-2011 20:28:21] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic
library '/usr/lib/php/modules/php_mapscript.so' -
/usr/lib/php/modules/php_mapscript.so: undefined symbol: zval_set_isref_p in
Unknown on line 0

and does not appear at phpinfo() output.

I´m running a CentOS Linux 5.6 with MapServer 6, Apache 2.2.3, PHP 5.2.10
(with apache handler) and this was my configure script general output:

MapServer is now configured for

 -------------- Compiler Info -------------
  C compiler:                gcc -O2 -fPIC -Wall  -DNDEBUG
  C++ compiler:              g++ -O2 -fPIC -Wall  -DNDEBUG
  Generic NINT:

 -------------- Renderer Settings ---------
  OpenGL support:
  zlib support:              -DUSE_ZLIB
  png support:               -DUSE_PNG
  gif support:               -DUSE_GIF
  jpeg support:              -DUSE_JPEG
  freetype support:          -DUSE_FREETYPE
  iconv support:             -DUSE_ICONV
  AGG support:               internal
  SVG Symbol support:        -DUSE_AGG_SVG_SYMBOLS
  Cairo (SVG,PDF) support:   -DUSE_CAIRO
  KML support:               -DUSE_KML

 -------------- Support Libraries ---------
  Proj.4 support:            -DUSE_PROJ
  Libxml2 support:           -DUSE_LIBXML2
  FriBidi support:           -DUSE_FRIBIDI
  Curl support:              -DUSE_CURL -DUSE_CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH
  FastCGI support:
  Threading support:         -DUSE_THREAD
  GEOS support:              -DUSE_GEOS
  XML Mapfile support:        -DUSE_XMLMAPFILE
  XSLT support:              -DUSE_XSLT
  EXSLT support:              -DUSE_EXSLT

 -------------- Data Format Drivers -------
  ArcSDE support:
  OGR support:               -DUSE_OGR
  GDAL support:              -DUSE_GDAL
  Oracle Spatial support:

 -------------- OGC Services --------------
  WMS Server:                -DUSE_WMS_SVR
  WMS Client:                -DUSE_WMS_LYR
  WFS Server:                -DUSE_WFS_SVR
  WFS Client:                -DUSE_WFS_LYR
  WCS Server:                -DUSE_WCS_SVR
  SOS Server:                -DUSE_SOS_SVR

 -------------- MapScript -----------------
  PHP MapScript:             yes

What did I put wrong at ./configure ?


Eduardo Patto Kanegae
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