[mapserver-users] shapeObj->buffer

Wolfgang Lahr bgiv at gmx.de
Mon Mar 7 08:07:11 EST 2011

Hi list,

this pertains to a problem I noticed yesterday in
mapserver/php_mapscript 5.6.5 running under Windows.

I noticed that:

$oShapeObj = $oLineShapeObj->buffer(0.01)

will work properly when used on a $oLineShapeObj containing a line
with 2 points. It will stop working when the line contains >= 3 points. The
function will just return an invalid $oShapeObj. The buffered shape is
supposed to be used in a queryByShape operation. This works fine with
MapServer < 5.0. Does the buffered $oLineShapeObj now have to be casted to a

Thanks for any hints


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