[mapserver-users] WFS Problem

Dimmer, Frederick-Claud gi08b07 at hs-nb.de
Mon Mar 7 09:50:16 EST 2011


finally i've made it to set up an WFS-Server but now I'm having another problem with the Mapbender configuration. I uploaded the WMS and WFS correctly to the mapbender application, an there were no problems than I created my own application and loaded the WMS to this application. As far as I did this I've set the wfs in the gui-wms settings. Finnaly i've asigned an WFS to the gui. 

But here comes the problem i want to put the query i gete returned by the database in a table and set extra parameters. I simly can't find an entry where I can edit this.

Hope you can help me.

If you need more information I'll tell you.

Kind regards 

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