[mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta1 release - TEST PROBLEMS!

Worth Lutz wal3 at mindspring.com
Thu Mar 10 17:21:40 EST 2011

I have loaded MapServer 6.0 from ubuntugis-testing.  I finally stripped down
a mapfile and got it working.

I have upgraded and downgraded several times trying to find the errors in my
mapfile.  The repository works GREAT.  Thanks for creating it!.


I want to test the new Cairo/pdf output.  I have a need for pdf output and
have been waiting for this release.

My phpinfo output for mapscript only shows:


PDF and SVG is not included.  Can you please add these to the configure
options used to create the repository?  If not could you give me the proper
configuration I should use to compile MapServer 6.0.  I have tried one or
twice to compile from source and have not been very successful.  I never
seem to get the configuration right.


Thanks for your help,






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