[mapserver-users] Symbol not showing up in MapServer 6.0.0-beta1 release

Anzel, Phil - Fort Collins, CO Phil.Anzel at ftc.usda.gov
Fri Mar 11 15:49:18 EST 2011


Thanks again. I'll keep my eyes open for Code Sprint outcomes with respect to Symbols of Type Vector. 

- Phil

-----Original Message-----
From: thomas bonfort [mailto:thomas.bonfort at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 11:07 AM
To: Anzel, Phil - Fort Collins, CO
Cc: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Symbol not showing up in MapServer 6.0.0-beta1 release

You're using the old version of drawing thick lines, that was needed
for GD. We'll have to decide at the codesprint if this is something
that we want to stop supporting, as this is something that we are
trailing along since 4.10. As I said in my first email, thick lines
are obtained with the WIDTH keyword.
As for vector symbols, there are known limitations actually, which we
will try to overcome during the codesprint - what's certain is we
won't be able to maintain backwards compatibility *and* expect
consistent rendering across renderers.

best regards,


On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 18:25, Anzel, Phil - Fort Collins, CO
<Phil.Anzel at ftc.usda.gov> wrote:
> Thomas and All,
> A follow up: submitted as a tracker defect: http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/3729
> The test map file is:
>    NAME 'pnga'
>    MIMETYPE 'image/pnga'
>    EXTENSION 'png'
>  END
>  SIZE 954 589
>  EXTENT 0 0 954 589
>  IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255
>  symbol
>    name 'circle' filled true type ellipse points 0 0 1 1 end
>  end
>    NAME  'single line'
>    feature points 10 10 950 580 end end
>    CLASS
>      style
>        symbol 'circle'
>        size 20
>        color 255 255 0
>        outlinecolor 255 0 0
>      end
>      style
>        width 1
>        color 0 0 255
>      end
>    end
>  END # end of layer 'single line'
> END  # end of MAP
> The above map file works as desired under 5.6 and demonstrates the problem under 5.7/6.0.
> - Phil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anzel, Phil - Fort Collins, CO
> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 7:08 AM
> To: thomas bonfort
> Cc: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org; Anzel, Phil - Fort Collins, CO
> Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Symbol not showing up in MapServer 6.0.0-beta1 release
> Thomas,
> Thanks yet again. I tried your suggestion and it looks quite nice.
> If I may, a related question: is there a change in behavior in use of symbols? I'm fairly certain that the MapServer tutorial example worked under 5.6.3, as did my use of the "tie" symbol. The motivation here is to tease out a potential bug in Mapserver 6.0.0-beta1.
> - Phil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: thomas bonfort [mailto:thomas.bonfort at gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 6:44 AM
> To: Anzel, Phil - Fort Collins, CO
> Cc: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Symbol not showing up in MapServer 6.0.0-beta1 release
> for a tie symbol you should specify a (negative) GAP.
> something like:
> http://www2.terriscope.fr/geocache/wms?LAYERS=osm&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage&FORMAT=image%2Fjpeg&SRS=epsg%3A4326&BBOX=1.34033203125,43.76953125,1.3623046875,43.79150390625&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256
> is obtained with
>    NAME "rail"
>    FONT sc
>    CHARACTER '|'
>    GAP -3
> ...
>        STYLE
>            WIDTH 2
>            OUTLINEWIDTH 1
>            OUTLINECOLOR "#555554"
>            COLOR "#ffffff"
>        END
>        STYLE
>            SYMBOL rail
>            SIZE 5
>            COLOR "#555554"
>        END
> On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 14:35, Anzel, Phil - Fort Collins, CO
> <Phil.Anzel at ftc.usda.gov> wrote:
>> Hi, Thomas,
>> Thanks for looking into this problem.
>> My goal is to create a "railroad" cross-hatching along a line. I originally used:
>>    SYMBOL
>>      NAME 'default'
>>      Type simple
>>    END
>>    SYMBOL
>>      NAME 'tie'
>>      TYPE vector
>>      POINTS 0 0  0 7  -99 -99  7 0  7 7  END
>>    END
>> These were referenced, within a layer of type "line", by:
>>   CLASS
>>     STYLE
>>       SYMBOL            'default'
>>       SIZE              1
>>       COLOR             0 0 0
>>     END
>>     STYLE
>>      SYMBOL             'tie'
>>      SIZE               8
>>      COLOR              0 0 0
>>     END
>>   END
>> This had worked under MapServer 5.6.3. I returned to this example after upgrading to 5.7DEV on March 9, 2011, and found that the "tie" cross-hatching had disappeared. I tried several other symbols; I used the "circle" as an example because it also worked in the past and is used in the MapServer "Introduction to MapServer", section 2.4.3, "CLASS and STYLE objects".
>> Closer to the 2.4.3 example, if I define:
>>  symbol
>>    name 'circle'
>>    filled true
>>    type ellipse
>>    points 0 0 1 1 end
>>  end
>> and reference this definition, as per the example, with:
>>     style
>>       symbol "circle"
>>       color 178 114 1
>>       size 15
>>     end
>>     style
>>       symbol "circle"
>>       color 254 161 0
>>       size 7
>>     end
>> then there is no image created.
>> Given these experimental results, I wonder if there has been a change in behavior in drawing symbols. Alternatively I've made a very simple error.
>> Is there an error in my map file? How do you recommend that the "railroad" hatched line be drawn?
>> Thanks again.
>> - Phil
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: thomas bonfort [mailto:thomas.bonfort at gmail.com]
>> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 4:17 AM
>> To: Anzel, Phil - Fort Collins, CO
>> Cc: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Symbol not showing up in MapServer 6.0.0-beta1 release
>> huh, I may have misinterpreted...
>> you can't expect to obtain a point/marker symbology when using a line geometry.
>> if you effectively want to use marker symbols, you can have a look RFC
>> 48 and its
>>  GEOMTRANSFORM "start|end|vertices" transformations.
>> --
>> thomas
>> On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 12:10, thomas bonfort <thomas.bonfort at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Phil,
>>> what kind of symbology are you trying to obtain. I suspect you're
>>> aiming for a thick line, which now does not require the use of a
>>> symbol, but rather:
>>> style
>>>  width 20
>>>  color 0 0 255
>>> end
>>> regards,
>>> thomas
>>> On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 02:24, Anzel, Phil - Fort Collins, CO
>>> <Phil.Anzel at ftc.usda.gov> wrote:
>>>> All,
>>>> I upgraded to MapServer 5.7 (6.0.0-beta1) code for x32/VS2010 (downloaded from http://vbkto.dyndns.org/sdk/) on March 9, 2011.
>>>> It appears that embedded symbols are not drawn. Below is a simple map file that has a single diagonal line as a feature and two styles; the first should draw a 25-pixel circle, the second a single-pixel line; similar map files worked under 5.6.3. I do not know if this worked under 5.7 circa December 15, 2010.
>>>> Only the single-pixel line is drawn. I've tried various other symbol definitions; none appear in the output.
>>>> I'm using the "drawmap.exe" utility to draw the PNG output file under Microsoft Windows XP Professional 2002 SP 3. No errors are reported.
>>>> Can you help?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> - Phil Anzel
>>>>  Web Soil Survey development team
>>>>  Vistronix Inc. for USDA/NRCS/ITC
>>>> ..... start of map file .....
>>>> MAP
>>>>    NAME 'pnga'
>>>>    MIMETYPE 'image/pnga'
>>>>    DRIVER 'AGG/PNG'
>>>>    EXTENSION 'png'
>>>>  END
>>>>  SIZE 954 589
>>>>  EXTENT -11760744.430293 5057510.78178777 -11752931.9172644 5062334.23060729
>>>>  IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255
>>>>  PROJECTION 'proj=merc' 'a=6378137' 'b=6378137' 'lat_ts=0.0' 'lon_0=0.0' 'x_0=0.0' 'y_0=0' 'k=1.0' 'units=m' 'nadgrids=@null' 'north' 'no_defs' END
>>>>  symbol
>>>>    name 'circle' filled true type ellipse points 0 0 1 1 end
>>>>  end
>>>>  LAYER
>>>>    NAME  'single line'
>>>>    STATUS ON
>>>>    TYPE LINE
>>>>    feature points -11760750 5057520 -11752920 5062330 end end
>>>>    CLASS
>>>>      style
>>>>        symbol 'circle'
>>>>        size 20
>>>>        color 255 255 0
>>>>        outlinecolor 255 0 0
>>>>      end
>>>>      style
>>>>        width 1
>>>>        color 0 0 255
>>>>      end
>>>>    end
>>>>  END # end of layer 'single line'
>>>> END  # end of MAP
>>>> ..... end of map file .....
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