[mapserver-users] MapServer 6 testing: WMS - invalid layer parameter

francesco francesco.pirotti at unipd.it
Tue Mar 15 13:47:11 EDT 2011

Hello everyone, I am trying the new mapserver 6.0  :-) and I ran into 
the following error message when trying as WMS server
msWMSGetLegendGraphic(): WMS server error. Invalid layer given in the 
LAYER parameter.
As a matter of fact when I shoot the "GetCapabilites" request, no layers 
are present except the map layer (the name of my map).
Using Mapserver 5.6.6 everything worked fine. Is there anything I am 
Cheers, and thanks to developers for their hard work - looking forward 
to the Montreal code sprint!
*Francesco Pirotti*
CIRGEO -- Interdepartmental Research Center on Cartography Photogrammetry
Remote Sensing and G.I.S.
University of Padova
Web: http://www.cirgeo.unipd.it/cirgeo/francescopirotti.htm
Email: francesco.pirotti at unipd.it <mailto:francesco.pirotti at unipd.it>
Phone: +39 049 827 2710
Phone: +39 349 55 39 261
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