[mapserver-users] WMS GetfeatureInfo from KML file

Favre, Sebastien Sebastien.Favre at spotimage.fr
Mon Mar 21 02:44:51 PDT 2011

Hello to all,

I have managed to expose a KML file as a WMS layer.
Now I want to allow GetFeatureInfo for the layer in my OpenLayers client.
Attributes are stored as follows in the KML file :
<SchemaData schemaUrl="#country">
<SimpleData name="CNTRY_NAME">Aruba</SimpleData>
I have added : "KML_INCLUDE_ITEMS all" in the METADATA tag  of the LAYER declaration part without success.
How must I configure the mapfile for that ?
Thank you.


Sebastien FAVRE
Software Engineer | Spot Image
GEO-Information Services

Astrium Services
2600 route des Crêtes, BP 282
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Tel: +33 (0) 4 97 23 24 12 | Fax: +33 (0) 4 93 95 83 29
sebastien.favre at spotimage.fr<mailto:sebastien.favre at spotimage.fr> | www.spotimage.com<http://www.spotimage.com/>

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