[mapserver-users] Production mapserver

Andy Colson andy at squeakycode.net
Mon Mar 21 13:43:23 EDT 2011

On 3/21/2011 12:33 PM, thomas bonfort wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 18:28, Andy Colson<andy at squeakycode.net>  wrote:

>> Cant answer anything about Ubuntu, never used it, run Slackware myself.  I
>> prefer to build mapserver from source.  I'm also using mapscript (with
>> perl), so I build that as well.
> compiling stuff from source also leaves out all the parts of mapserver
> that can cause some marginal overhead. for example, if you are only
> serving shapefiles, you can leave out the gdal/ogr and postgis
> dependencies

Indeed.  When I first started playing with mapserver, I went totally OCD 
trying to compile in every possible format it would support.  Was really 
kinda fun.  (Dont know what hdf5 is, never seen it, never needed it, 
cant say as I ever will... but I have support for it! Yeah!)

Its amazing how many formats that mapserver/gdal/ogr support.  (Dude! 
Its like Pokemon!  Gotta get 'em all!)

Huh.. I'm gonna need to lay off the crack again. :-)


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