[mapserver-users] Negative GAP parameter to rotate vector symbols along line

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 02:59:45 EDT 2011

It's supposed to work. If not, you might want to file a bugreport with
a screenshot of what you're getting, but in any case the GD driver in
the 5.x brach won't be getting much attention.
I'd highly suggest using AGG/PNG for any vector symbology rendering.


On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 08:53, Bartłomiej Burkot
<pomiarowiec10 at poczta.onet.pl> wrote:
> Any idea why it doesn't work?
>> Hi thomas
>>> what mapserver version?
>>> what outputformat/renderer?
>> MapServer version 5.6.5
>>      NAME gif
>>      DRIVER "GD/GIF"
>>      MIMETYPE "image/gif"
>>      IMAGEMODE PC256
>>      EXTENSION "gif"
>>    END
>> Bartek
>>> --
>>> thomas
>>> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 15:10, Bartłomiej Burkot
>>> <pomiarowiec10 at poczta.onet.pl>  wrote:
>>>> Hi Users
>>>> I would like to render a vector symbol along the line in a layer. This
>>>> vector symbol should be rotated according to orientation of linesegments
>>>> (for example a arrow along one way street). When I use negative GAP with
>>>> truetype symbol it work perfectly but I have probelms with vector
>>>> symbols to
>>>> rotate them.
>>>> I use this definition of Symbol but it doesn't work:
>>>>     NAME "testsymbol"
>>>>   POINTS
>>>>     5 0
>>>>     2 1
>>>>     0 2.5
>>>>     2 4
>>>>     5 5
>>>>     5 5
>>>>     2 6
>>>>     0 7.5
>>>>     2 9
>>>>     5 10
>>>>   END
>>>>     STYLE 1 8 1 18 END
>>>>     GAP -99 # doesn't work
>>>> END
>>>> I read in docu http://mapserver.org/mapfile/symbol.html that:
>>>> "When drawing the symbol along a line segment, a negative GAP will will
>>>> add
>>>> 180 degress to the angle. The TrueType and PixMap symbols are always
>>>> oriented along the line."
>>>> My layer definiton is:
>>>> LAYER
>>>>   NAME testtest
>>>>   STATUS on
>>>>   TYPE line
>>>>   TRANSFORM false
>>>>   FEATURE
>>>>     WKT "LINESTRING (0 0, 100 100, 0 100)"
>>>>   END
>>>>   CLASS
>>>>     STYLE
>>>>         #ANGLE AUTO
>>>>         SYMBOL "testsymbol"
>>>>         COLOR 0 255 0
>>>>         #SIZE    8
>>>>     END
>>>>   END
>>>> END
>>>> Does vectorsymbol play with negative GAP parameter?
>>>> Bartek
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