[mapserver-users] TYPE UNION and STYLEITEM

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at gmail.com
Tue May 3 10:31:48 PDT 2011

2011/5/3 Christy Nieman <cnieman at dmsolutions.ca>

> However, if I have styling in the source layers (i.e. layer_1_for_union and
> layer_2_for_union) and use STYLEITEM "AUTO" in the union layer, the two
> source layers must have STATUS DEFAULT for anything to show up (which, I
> think, causes them to be drawn twice?).
> Am I missing something with how UNIONs and STYLEITEM "AUTO" work?  Or is
> this how it was designed?

The UNION layer should show the features from the source layers regardless
of their STATUS setting, so all of the features from the sources should be
rendered by default. A new attribute (Union:SourceLayerVisible) has been
added to the union layer so you can set up a FILTER expression to display
the features from only the "visible" sources if required. The most common
setting is to disable the visibility of the source layers (by setting the
STATUS of the layers or classes to 'off') to avoid the feature duplication.

Best regards,

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