[mapserver-users] CLUSTER object with GROUPs and FILTERs

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at gmail.com
Wed May 4 11:16:22 PDT 2011


The GROUP expression evaluates to a string which controls that which
features are being negotiated. Only the neighbouring features belonging to
the same group are added to the same cluster. On the contrary the filter
evaluates to a boolean expression which determines whether the feature
should be omitted in the clustering operation.

Best regards,


2011/5/4 Christy Nieman <cnieman at dmsolutions.ca>

> Hello,
> I'm trying to understand the new CLUSTER object.  I have a feeling that I'm
> just expecting things to work differently than they do, but wanted to
> confirm.
> If you have a CLUSTER object with a GROUP expression in it (e.g. GROUP (
> '[type]' = 'car' ), the Cluster:Group feature attribute evaluates to true or
> false.  Makes sense.  Now, is there a way to make it so that a grouping by
> attribute value happens?  i.e. if I have data with vehicle types in it and
> want the data to be clustered by type - car, truck and van for example - is
> there a way to do this without having three layers where each one has a
> GROUP expression for each vehicle type?
> Thanks,
> Christy
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