[mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-rc2 release
Peter Hopfgartner
peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
Fri May 6 04:57:47 PDT 2011
--------Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at mapgears.com> wrote--------
Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-rc2 release
Date: 06.05.2011 04:39
>The MapServer Team is pleased to announce the release of MapServer
Updated packages for RHEL and CentOS 5.6 can be downloaded from http://elgis.argeo.org/ testing repository. Scientific Linux need php53 packages in order to install php-mapserver6.
>The 6.0 release introduces important changes in key components of the
>MapServer core (rendering, query and expressions), and for this reason
>we count on you, MapServer power users, to help test the release in your
>respective environments and provide feedback (through the users list or
>Trac tickets).
>We had to issue a new release candidate since a few important issues
>were reported and fixed in rc1. If all goes well and no blocker issues
>are reported, then this release candidate could lead us to a final 6.0.0
>release next week. The full release plan which also includes the list of
>new features and changes in this release is available at:
> http://mapserver.org/trunk/development/release/release-plan-6.0.html
>The list of fixes since the last release candidate is attached at the
>end of this message. For a complete list see the HISTORY.TXT file at:
>We have started working on a 5.6 -> 6.0 migration guide. This document
>contains important notes on backwards incompatibilities or other changes
>required when upgrading to 6.0. The latest version is available online
> http://mapserver.org/trunk/MIGRATION_GUIDE.html
>The source for this release can be downloaded at:
> http://mapserver.org/download.html
> http://download.osgeo.org/mapserver/mapserver-6.0.0-rc2.tar.gz
>The binary distributions listed in the download page should be updated
>with binaries for the new beta release in the next day or so.
>Once again we need your help to ensure a high quality product, so please
>help out by testing your applications with this new code base.
>Thanks! - The MapServer Team
>Version 6.0.0-rc2 (2011-05-05)
>- Fixed seg fault with [shpxy] tag... (#3860)
>- Removed obsolete msQueryByOperator() function
>- Call msLayerClose() before msLayerOpen() in the various query
> functions (#3692)
>- Fix WMS 1.3.0 to use full list of epsg codes with inverted axis (#3582)
>- PHP/Mapscript: Added getResultsBounds() method in layer object (#2967)
>- Fix SLD containing a PropertyIsLike filter (#3855)
>- Fixed msUnionLayerNextShape to return correct values (#3859)
>- Union layer: fix for the failure if one or more of the source layers
> are not in the current extent (#3858)
>- Fix memory leak in msResampleGDALToMap() (#3857)
>- Fix missing initialization of default formats in WCS 1.x.
>- Fix maxoverlapangle when value is set to 0 (#3856)
R3 GIS Srl - GmbH
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