[mapserver-users] Issue with mapserver rendering multiple layers

Mark K. Zanfardino mzanfardino at gmail.com
Wed May 11 18:19:05 PDT 2011

I will try to make this brief. Some years ago I created a number of 
web-based applications which use mapserver to render various maps.  At 
the time I was running mapserver 5.0.3 and my data is stored in a 
PostgreSQL database.  The server is running on ubuntu 9.04 and mapserver 
was installed from the package manager (I did not build it custom).

Fast-forward to a few days ago.  I've installed mapserver 5.6.6 (from 
repos) onto an ubuntu 10.10 server. I copied the map files and data to 
the new server and when I attempt to render the map I find a number of 
peculiar behaviors.

   1. When I request multiple layers to be rendered mapserver generates
      an image file that is completely white, however I can successfully
      render one layer at a time.
   2. The rendered map appears to ignore all parameters in the URL
      relating the SRS, BBOX, HEIGHT, and WIDTH

Some details: I am rendering the map through my browser as follows:,water&TRANSPARENT=true&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.0&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&SRS=EPSG%3A4326&BBOX=-122.41859552788569,37.48140447211431,-121.56140447211433,38.33859552788568&WIDTH=450&HEIGHT=450

Where is my server (I will attach the map file for review).  
When I make this exact call to my server running mapserver 5.0.3 it 
renders it as I expect (see attached).  When I make the same call to my 
server running 5.6.6 I end up with a blank image.  If I restrict the 
LAYERS parameter to just 'county' or 'water' the layer renders. Also, 
the size of the resulting image is not 450x450 as defined.

You will notice by the map file that I am referencing shapefiles now 
instead of my postgresql database.  Please note that I get the same 
behavior with both shapefiles and the database.  I will happily provide 
the shape files if necessary.

I have been banging my head against the wall on this for three days and 
I can't seem to catch a break.  I would appreciate any suggestions.  I'm 
also more than willing to provide additional information.

Mark K. Zanfardino

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