[mapserver-users] Rasterlite / WSGI problem

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 02:45:17 PST 2011


We cannot get Mapserver python mapscript running as WSGI with
Rasterlite data working. Only a black rectangle is drawn instead of
the raster. The rectangle is drawn on the right place however.
Rendering takes very little time, so it seems that no image processing
is done.  Spatialite/OGR works correctly (using geometry column from
raster _metadata table). All other raster/vector data work well.

The strange thing is, that everything works well, if exactly the same
configuration is run as CGI.

I thougt that threads could be a problem, so I disabled treads where
possible, but no effect.

Rasterlite data: JPEG or EPSILON, JPEG or EPSILON overviews, SRID correctly set
GDAL 1.8.1 --with-threads=no
Mapserver 6.0.1  patched to use GDALOpen instead of GDALOpenShared
WSGI: processes=1 threads=1


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