[mapserver-users] graticule label position

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Wed Oct 5 09:21:48 PDT 2011


I did manage to cheat at this a while back by using some collar images around the main image to display the label in.  I just stitched it altogether in a table.  takes more calls to the server though.  But it did work.  I also payed around with applying these collar images as an overlay, IE stacking them on top of the main map to pretty good effect. 

Basiucally you make as narrow an image as possible that still displays the labels and stick that out at the edge.  It is somewhat painful to build the offect image BBOX logic, but it got me there. 


>>> "Shorthouse, David" <dshorthouse at eol.org> wrote:


Tics are not so much a big deal. If I understand correctly, something
like this cannot be avoided?


What I'd rather have is the labels positioned around the outside edge
of the image (i.e. horizontally and vertically) rather than arcing and



On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com> wrote:
> David,
>  If you mean a specific number of pixels from your neat line, the answer is
> no.  Currently the graticule logic fixes the location from the edge of the
> image (i.e. the other side of the label).  And it doesn't do tics.
> Best Regards,
> Brent Fraser
> On 10/5/2011 8:44 AM, Shorthouse, David wrote:
>> Folks,
>> Is it possible to fix the position of graticule labels around the
>> outside edge of a map in the face of on-the-fly reprojections of a shp
>> file? Following a hint in a very old post in the archives, I managed
>> to make fixed margin around the outside edge of a map where I hoped I
>> could place graticule labels, but unless I can actually fix their
>> position, there's not much I can do. This is an example of what I am
>> trying to do:
>> http://www.geo.wvu.edu/~mfinkenbinder/Geol%20321/UTM_Zones.bmp
>> Thanks,
>> Dave
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