[mapserver-users] ogr connect to mysql
Sven Burbeck
sburbeck at bfs.de
Tue Oct 11 04:17:40 PDT 2011
Hi Albert,
stupid me!
It was indeed simple like that.
I didn't read the f.. manual properly. So I didn't realize, that the
tables need to be addressed in both, the connection, as well as the
Thanks a lot for your hint!
Am 11.10.2011 10:37, schrieb Albert Rovira:
> Hi,
> This is an OGR feature that by default get all database metadata ...
> You can disable it adding the table parameter on OGR call (see
> http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_mysql.html)
> I don't know how can you get this result with mapserver.
> Al 11/10/2011 8:32, En/na Sven Burbeck ha escrit:
>> Hi list,
>> unfortunately I'm still facing the same problem, so I would like to
>> give it a trial once more.
>> Isn't there anybody who at least has an idea, what the problem could be?
>> cheers,
>> Sven
>> Am 07.10.2011 10:31, schrieb Sven Burbeck:
>>> Hi group,
>>> I have a question about ogr-connect to MySql database.
>>> Yesterday I encountered that my MySQL-DB logged several SQL-Requests
>>> for a single (simple) MapServer request.
>>> My mapfile stores a SQL-Statement like that:
>>> ##
>>> SELECT centroid(b.geom), b.id, a.name, date(b.measure_date) as date,
>>> b.value as wert
>>> FROM locality a RIGHT JOIN result b ON a.id = b.id
>>> ##
>>> However, my MySQL-DB logs the following:
>>> ##
>>> 111007 7:24:22 19 Connect user_xy at localhost on myDB
>>> 19 Query SHOW TABLES
>>> 19 Query DESCRIBE `table_1`
>>> 19 Query SELECT srid FROM geometry_columns
>>> WHERE f_table_name = 'table_1'
>>> 19 Query DESCRIBE `table_2`
>>> 19 Query SELECT srid FROM geometry_columns
>>> WHERE f_table_name = 'table_2'
>>> 19 Query DESCRIBE `table_3`
>>> 19 Query SELECT srid FROM geometry_columns
>>> WHERE f_table_name = 'table_3'
>>> 19 Query DESCRIBE `table_4`
>>> 19 Query SELECT srid FROM geometry_columns
>>> WHERE f_table_name = 'table_4'
>>> ...
>>> ...
>>> 19 Query SELECT centroid(b.geom), b.id,
>>> a.name, date(b.measure_date) as date, b.value as wert FROM locality
>>> a RIGHT JOIN result b ON a.id = b.id
>>> 19 Quit
>>> ##
>>> I wondered where all these "SHOW TABLES", "DESCRIBE table..." came
>>> from, since the results are completely unnecessary in order to
>>> retrieve the final "SELECT centroid(b.geom)..." resultset, aren't they?
>>> So I did a simple OGR check.
>>> First for the table I would like to retrieve the "geom" column from:
>>> ##
>>> ogrinfo MYSQL:myDB,user=user_xy,password=pwd_xy,port=3306 result
>>> -summary
>>> INFO: Open of `MYSQL:myDB,user=user_xy,password=pwd_xy,port=3306'
>>> using driver `MySQL' successful.
>>> Layer name: result
>>> Geometry: Polygon
>>> Feature Count: 1680
>>> Extent: (6.034624, 47.396320) - (15.028760, 55.023074)
>>> Layer SRS WKT:
>>> GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",
>>> DATUM["WGS_1984",
>>> SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],
>>> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
>>> UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]]
>>> FID Column = some_column_with_integers
>>> Geometry Column = geom
>>> ...
>>> ##
>>> Next check was just for an ogrinfo-connect with the sql-statement
>>> attached directly:
>>> ##
>>> ogrinfo MYSQL:myDB,user=user_xy,password=pwd_xy,port=3306 result
>>> -sql 'SELECT centroid(b.geom), b.id, a.name, date(b.measure_date) as
>>> date, b.value as wert FROM locality a RIGHT JOIN result b ON a.id =
>>> b.id'
>>> ##
>>> T my surprise all these ogrinfo requests invoked the described bulk
>>> of SQL-statements. Apparently it doesn't matter if I use table-join
>>> or not.
>>> So my question is:
>>> Does Mapserver connect to MySQL using the "ogrinfo" request and is
>>> there any way to suppress all these (in my opinion) unnecessary
>>> "Describe table ... / SELECT srid..." queries?
>>> These are the versions I use:
>>> MapServer version 5.6.5
>>> GDAL 1.8.0, released 2011/01/12
>>> mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.10, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
>>> Any help would be appreciated!
>>> thanks in advance,
>>> Sven
> --
> Albert Rovira Brugués
> Nexus Geografics 902 102255
> http://www.nexusgeografics.com
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