[mapserver-users] Hiding the layers contained in a group from the WMS GetCapabilities

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Thu Oct 20 05:42:05 PDT 2011

I don't think MapServer 6.0 supports what you are trying to do, but I 
think this is something that was going to be addressed by the INSPIRE 
work (RFC 75, ticket #3608). Not sure if that's in place in trunk 
already or not.

Stephan Meissl would be best to answer that one if he's reading this... 
or otherwise you could ask on the mapserver-inspire list.


On 11-10-20 05:52 AM, Alexandre Saunier wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like that only the groups appear in my WMS GetCapabilities
> response, not the layers they contain, with Mapserver 6.0.0.
> I have tried to add the following metadata:
> "wms_enable_request" "!GetCapabilities"
> in the layer definition. For instance:
>    NAME "layer1"
>    GROUP "foobar"
>    TYPE polygon
>      "wms_title" "layer1"
>      "wms_group_title" "foobar"
>      "wms_enable_request" "!GetCapabilities"
>    END
> It works correctly (*) but when all the layers are removed from the
> GetCapabilities, the parent group disappears as well.
> Is there a way to keep the group visible in the GetCapabilities even
> when all its layers are hidden?
> Thanks,
> Alexandre
> (*) Actually I have noticed weird behaviours when only some of the
> group layers are marked "hidden". There's already a ticket about that
> issue:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/3931
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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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