[mapserver-users] map rotation, extent & a border

Shorthouse, David dshorthouse at eol.org
Thu Oct 20 06:07:44 PDT 2011


Been trying to solve this one and cannot figure it out. Attached is my
attempt to put a border around the outside edge of a map using
PHP-mapscript. If the map is not rotated, it's easy to use the map's
extent to draw such a border by creating a layer specifically for this
purpose. However, when a map is rotated, one can no longer use the
map's extent like this because the four extent coordinates are not
similarly rotated. My question is, how do a I make a border around the
outside edge of a map when the map is rotated? Is there a method to
learn what are the actual extent coordinates post-rotate?


David P. Shorthouse
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