[mapserver-users] create hatch symbol with python mapscript?

Michael Schulz mandschulz at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 1 11:10:42 EDT 2011


I just tried to create a hatch type symbol only thru python mapscript,
but failed. Could someone have a quick look and discover what I might
be missing?

hatch = mapscript.symbolObj("hatch")
hatch.type = mapscript.MS_SYMBOL_HATCH
sindex = m.symbolset.appendSymbol(hatch)
stylePoly.symbol = sindex
stylePoly.width = 5
stylePoly.angle = 45
lp.opacity = 50

The layer is drawn with a complete fill at 50% opacity in green, but
no hatching.

Thanks, Michael

Michael Schulz

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