[mapserver-users] Re: Invalid SRS given: SRS must be valid fo r all requested layers. EPSG 23030

Fuchs Juan Carlos jfuch at indec.mecon.gov.ar
Mon Sep 5 09:18:38 EDT 2011

Estimada Amalia:
si no entiendo mal lo que Rahkonen Jukka está tratando de decirte
es que el "extend" del mapa tiene número muy extraños
si el sistema EPSG:23030 tiene unidades en metros algo tipo -82.65algo
29.43algo -82.05algo 29.94algo 
da muy chiquito
tal vez son valores de un sistema en grados como el 4326? Lat. Long.??
Deberías pasar los valores en metros tal como lo despliega el GV sig en
pantalla cuando despliegas tu cartografia.

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Mr. Puneet Kishor [mailto:punk.kish at gmail.com]
Enviado el: Martes, 30 de Agosto de 2011 01:59 p.m.
Para: Amalia Carolina Canavire
CC: Rahkonen Jukka; mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org; Lista de Usuarios
de gvSIG
Asunto: Re: [mapserver-users] Re: Invalid SRS given: SRS must be valid
for all requested layers. EPSG 23030

On Aug 30, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Amalia Carolina Canavire wrote:

> hi ,I don't good speak english, but i don't understand you, when you say
> "Projection must be in meters which seem to be the unit for the EPSG:23030
> units", you can specify in where may correction in this code, please.
> for you time and helping.

Your declared projection "EPSG:23030" uses meters, but your extent `EXTENT
-82.65814999999999 29.435378999999998 -82.05008 29.943614` is definitely not
in meters (unless, you are plotting a very tiny and strange area of the
world that is only a few centimeters wide and long). Make sure your extent
and projection units match.

> 2011/8/30 Rahkonen Jukka <Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi>
>> Hi,
>> I do not understand Spanish but it looks like you have something wrong
>> projections.
>> MAP
>> EXTENT -82.65814999999999 29.435378999999998 -82.05008 29.943614
>>     "init=epsg:23030"
>>  END
>> Projection must be in meters which seem to be the unit for the EPSG:23030
>> units
>> The same with "wms_extent" "-82.65814999999999 29.435378999999998
>> 29.943614"
>> use extents in the EPSG:23030 system and units.
>> -Jukka Rahkonen-
>> ________________________________
>> Lähettäjä: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [
>> mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] käyttäjän Amalia Carolina
>> Canavire [acarolinagc at gmail.com] puolesta
>> Lähetetty: 30. elokuuta 2011 16:55
>> Vastaanottaja: Lista de Usuarios de gvSIG;
mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
>> Aihe: [mapserver-users] msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error.
>> SRS given: SRS must be valid for all requested layers. EPSG 23030
>> Hola gente, una duda  usando gvsig para poder generar una vista desde un
>> .shp debo seleccionar una proyección epsg 23030, porque no me reconece
>> 4326 (con esta opción mi vista es vacia , a que se debe?
>> Estoy usando gvsig 1.1 por la extensión de publicación, sobre ubuntu.
>> Debido a ello , por las dudas, respeto esta proyección epsg 23030, cuando
>> utilizo  vista desde wms, me muestra sin problema, ahora cuando lo hago
>> web, me sale el error de :
>> msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error. Invalid SRS given: SRS must be
>> valid for all requested layers .
>> Si cambio la proyeccion a 4326, no sale el error pero no me muestra nada.
>> Mi codigo es el sgte:
>> MAP
>>  NAME map_generated_by_gvsig
>>  SIZE 600 400
>>  EXTENT -82.65814999999999 29.435378999999998 -82.05008 29.943614
>>  SYMBOLSET "dmwms1.sym"
>>  FONTSET "fonts.txt"
>>     IMAGECOLOR -1 -1 -1
>>     LABEL
>>        FONT "vera"
>>        ANGLE FOLLOW
>>        COLOR 0 0 0
>>        ENCODING "UTF-8"
>>        TYPE truetype
>>        SIZE 8
>>     END
>>     STATUS ON
>>  END
>>  WEB
>>        "wms_encoding" "UTF-8"
>>        "wms_title" "Mapserver WMS"
>>        "wms_abstract" ""
>>        "wms_srs" " EPSG:23030"
>>        "wms_onlineresource" "
>> "
>>     END
>>  END
>>     "init=epsg:23030"
>>  END
>>     NAME "tl_2010_12001_roads.shp"
>>     STATUS ON
>>     TYPE LINE
>>     DATA
>> "/var/www/gisParcelsFL/tl_2010_12001_roads/tl_2010_12001_roads.shp"
>>     MAXSCALE -1.0
>>     MINSCALE -1.0
>>     SIZEUNITS pixels
>>        "init=epsg:23030"
>>     END
>>     CLASS
>>        STYLE
>>           COLOR 153 153 153
>>           WIDTH 1
>>        END
>>        NAME "default"
>>        LABEL
>>           FONT "vera"
>>           ANGLE FOLLOW
>>           COLOR 0 0 0
>>           TYPE truetype
>>           SIZE 7.0
>>        END
>>     END
>>        "wms_title" "tl_2010_12001_roads.shp"
>>        "wms_abstract" "generated by gvSIG"
>>        "wms_extent" "-82.65814999999999 29.435378999999998 -82.05008
>> 29.943614"
>>        "gml_include_items" "all"
>>     END
>>  END # Layer
>> END # Map File
>> --
>> **************   :) sonrei que te queda lindo :):):):): amy cgc
>> **************************
> -- 
> *************** *  :) *sonrei que te queda lindo :):):):): **amy **cgc
> **************************
> *
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