[mapserver-users] Problem compiling MapServer 6.0.1 with libpng
thomas bonfort
thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 03:29:59 PDT 2011
don't do that. recompile gd using the /usr/local libpng and
reconfigure mapserver with --with-gd=/usr/local
2011/9/12 Dejan Gambin <dejan.gambin at coin.hr>:
> Thanks Thomas,
> I have suspection something might be related to gd but wasn't sure. Besides this solution, where should I add this piece of code (-L/usr/local/lib) so it get linked properly?
> dejan
> On 12. ruj. 2011., at 12:24, thomas bonfort wrote:
>> Note that even though this may make it compile, you might end up with
>> runtime errors as you are mixing png versions (gd is linked against
>> libpng from /usr/lib64)
>> you might try not using the system gd version, and compile your own
>> one using the png version of /usr/local
>> On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 12:21, thomas bonfort <thomas.bonfort at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> it's using the libpng.so from /usr/lib64 instead of /usr/local
>>> try adding -L/usr/local/lib right after "-o shp2img.o"
>>> 2011/9/12 Dejan Gambin <dejan.gambin at coin.hr>:
>>>> Is this ok?
>>>> coin:/home/dgambin/mapserver-6.0.1# g++ -g -t -fPIC -Wall -DHAVE_VSNPRINTF -DNEED_STRLCPY -DNEED_STRLCAT -DNEED_STRRSTR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_LIBXML2 -DUSE_CURL -DUSE_CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH -DUSE_KML -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_MYSQL -DUSE_POSTGIS -DPOSTGIS_HAS_SERVER_VERSION -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_AGG_SVG_SYMBOLS -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_FTEX_XSHOW -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DGD_HAS_GET_TRUE_COLOR_PIXEL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_GIF -DUSE_PNG -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_FREETYPE -DDISABLE_CVSID -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -Irenderers/agg/include -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include/postgresql -I/usr/include/mysql -DBIG_JOINS=1 -fPIC -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/libxml2 shp2img.o -L. -lmapserver -lfreetype -lz -lgd -L/usr/lib64 -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype -lz -L/usr/local/lib -lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 -lexpat -L/usr/lib64 -lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lpng -lgif -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal -L/usr/lib -lpq -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient -lmysqlclient -lcurl -L/usr/lib -lc -lz -lxml2 -lm -lstdc++ -o shp2img
>>>> /usr/bin/ld: mode elf_x86_64
>>>> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.3.2/../../../../lib/crt1.o
>>>> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.3.2/../../../../lib/crti.o
>>>> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.3.2/crtbegin.o
>>>> shp2img.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapstring.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapfile.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maputil.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapscale.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapquery.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maplabel.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maperror.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapprimitive.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapproject.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapogr.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maplayer.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maporaclespatial.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapdraw.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapoutput.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapgdal.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapimagemap.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapows.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapwfs.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapwfs11.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapwfslayer.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maphttp.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapjoin.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapgraticule.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapcopy.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapogcfilter.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maptime.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)cgiutil.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maprasterquery.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapobject.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapio.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mappool.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapregex.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mappluginlayer.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mappostgresql.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapcrypto.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapowscommon.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maplibxml2.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapdebug.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapchart.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapkml.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapkmlrenderer.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapogroutput.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapogcfiltercommon.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapunion.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapcluster.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapdummyrenderer.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapogl.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapimageio.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapcairo.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maprendering.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapgeomtransform.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapquantization.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maptemplate.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapbits.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maphash.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapshape.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapxbase.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapparser.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maplexer.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maptree.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapsearch.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapsymbol.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maplegend.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapraster.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapsde.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mappostgis.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapresample.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapwms.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapwmslayer.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapgml.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapprojhack.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapgd.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapagg.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapcontext.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapdrawgdal.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapogcsld.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapcpl.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapgeos.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)classobject.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)maptclutf.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)clipper.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)agg_curves.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)agg_vcgen_contour.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)agg_vcgen_dash.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)agg_vcgen_stroke.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)agg_line_aa_basics.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)agg_embedded_raster_fonts.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)agg_trans_affine.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)agg_font_freetype.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)mapgeomutil.o
>>>> (./libmapserver.a)agg_arc.o
>>>> -lfreetype (/usr/lib64/libfreetype.so)
>>>> -lz (/usr/lib64/libz.so)
>>>> -lgd (/usr/lib64/libgd.so)
>>>> -lgd (/usr/lib64/libgd.so)
>>>> -ljpeg (/usr/lib64/libjpeg.so)
>>>> -lfreetype (/usr/lib64/libfreetype.so)
>>>> -lz (/usr/lib64/libz.so)
>>>> -lpng (/usr/lib64/libpng.so)
>>>> -lz (/usr/lib64/libz.so)
>>>> -lXpm (/usr/lib64/libXpm.so)
>>>> -lX11 (/usr/lib64/libX11.so)
>>>> -lexpat (/usr/lib64/libexpat.so)
>>>> -lproj (/usr/lib64/libproj.so)
>>>> -ljpeg (/usr/lib64/libjpeg.so)
>>>> -lpng (/usr/lib64/libpng.so)
>>>> -lgif (/usr/lib64/libgif.so)
>>>> -lgdal (/usr/local/lib/libgdal.so)
>>>> -lpq (/usr/lib64/libpq.so)
>>>> -lmysqlclient (/usr/lib64/libmysqlclient.so)
>>>> -lmysqlclient (/usr/lib64/libmysqlclient.so)
>>>> -lcurl (/usr/lib64/libcurl.so)
>>>> -lz (/usr/lib64/libz.so)
>>>> -lxml2 (/usr/lib64/libxml2.so)
>>>> -lstdc++ (/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.3.2/libstdc++.so)
>>>> -lstdc++ (/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.3.2/libstdc++.so)
>>>> -lm (/usr/lib64/libm.so)
>>>> /lib/libc.so.6
>>>> (/usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a)elf-init.oS
>>>> (/usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a)stat.oS
>>>> /lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
>>>> -lgcc_s (/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.3.2/libgcc_s.so)
>>>> /lib/libc.so.6
>>>> /lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
>>>> -lgcc_s (/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.3.2/libgcc_s.so)
>>>> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.3.2/crtend.o
>>>> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.3.2/../../../../lib/crtn.o
>>>> ./libmapserver.a(mapimageio.o): In function `savePalettePNG':
>>>> /home/dgambin/mapserver-6.0.1/mapimageio.c:274: undefined reference to `png_set_longjmp_fn'
>>>> ./libmapserver.a(mapimageio.o): In function `saveAsPNG':
>>>> /home/dgambin/mapserver-6.0.1/mapimageio.c:461: undefined reference to `png_set_longjmp_fn'
>>>> ./libmapserver.a(mapimageio.o): In function `readPNG':
>>>> /home/dgambin/mapserver-6.0.1/mapimageio.c:738: undefined reference to `png_set_longjmp_fn'
>>>> /usr/bin/ld: link errors found, deleting executable `shp2img'
>>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>>> On 12. ruj. 2011., at 12:10, thomas bonfort wrote:
>>>>> One last check: can you run the linker command with the "-t" option
>>>>> and post the output
>>>>> 2011/9/12 Dejan Gambin <dejan.gambin at coin.hr>:
>>>>>> Here is the ticket I created:
>>>>>> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/4019
>>>>>> regards, dejan
>>>>>> On 12. ruj. 2011., at 11:45, thomas bonfort wrote:
>>>>>>> 2011/9/12 Dejan Gambin <dejan.gambin at coin.hr>:
>>>>>>>> It doesn't help :-(
>>>>>>>> Here is the part of make compile statement with mapimageio.c, maybe this can help you:
>>>>>>>> regards, dejan
>>>>>>>> BTW, I don't have 1.4 installed, just 1.5.4. And system libpng in /usr/lib
>>>>>>> as you had stated you tried with 1.4 I just wanted to make sure.
>>>>>>> ok, last step before opening a ticket:
>>>>>>> - revert mapimageio.c to its original state
>>>>>>> - check the output of
>>>>>>> gcc -c -g -fPIC -Wall -DHAVE_VSNPRINTF -DNEED_STRLCPY
>>>>>>> -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include
>>>>>>> -Irenderers/agg/include -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include
>>>>>>> -I/usr/include/postgresql -I/usr/include/mysql -DBIG_JOINS=1 -fPIC
>>>>>>> -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/libxml2 mapimageio.c -M
>>>>>>> for the location of png.h
>>>>>>> - if png.h comes from /usr/local/include, open a ticket and assign it to me
>>>>>>>> On 12. ruj. 2011., at 11:17, thomas bonfort wrote:
>>>>>>>>> can you try modifying mapimageio.c and replace
>>>>>>>>> #include <png.h>
>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>> #include "/usr/local/include/png.h"
>>>>>>>>> if you have both png 1.4 and 1.5 in /usr/local, you're asking for
>>>>>>>>> trouble, make sure this is not the case
>>>>>>>>> 2011/9/12 Dejan Gambin <dejan.gambin at coin.hr>:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Thomas
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the help. As I said, I have system libpng installed in /usr/lib:
>>>>>>>>>> dgambin at coin:~/mapserver-6.0.1$ dpkg -l libpng*
>>>>>>>>>> Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
>>>>>>>>>> | Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
>>>>>>>>>> |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
>>>>>>>>>> ||/ Name Version Description
>>>>>>>>>> +++-==============-==============-============================================
>>>>>>>>>> un libpng-dev <none> (no description available)
>>>>>>>>>> ii libpng12-0 1.2.27-2+lenny PNG library - runtime
>>>>>>>>>> un libpng12-0-dev <none> (no description available)
>>>>>>>>>> ii libpng12-dev 1.2.27-2+lenny PNG library - development
>>>>>>>>>> un libpng2 <none> (no description available)
>>>>>>>>>> un libpng2-dev <none> (no description available)
>>>>>>>>>> un libpng3-dev <none> (no description available)
>>>>>>>>>> dgambin at coin:~/mapserver-6.0.1$ ls -l /usr/lib/libpng*
>>>>>>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 243004 2011-07-25 00:16 /usr/lib/libpng12.a
>>>>>>>>>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 2011-09-09 13:29 /usr/lib/libpng12.so -> libpng12.so.0.27.0
>>>>>>>>>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 2011-08-08 20:07 /usr/lib/libpng12.so.0 -> libpng12.so.0.27.0
>>>>>>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 153224 2011-07-25 00:15 /usr/lib/libpng12.so.0.27.0
>>>>>>>>>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2011-09-09 13:29 /usr/lib/libpng.a -> libpng12.a
>>>>>>>>>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2011-09-09 13:29 /usr/lib/libpng.so -> libpng12.so
>>>>>>>>>> And I have libpng-1.5.4 installed in /usr/local/lib:
>>>>>>>>>> dgambin at coin:~/mapserver-6.0.1$ ls -l /usr/local/lib/libpng*
>>>>>>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 1051610 2011-09-09 13:09 /usr/local/lib/libpng15.a
>>>>>>>>>> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 934 2011-09-09 13:09 /usr/local/lib/libpng15.la
>>>>>>>>>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff 18 2011-09-09 13:09 /usr/local/lib/libpng15.so -> libpng15.so.15.4.0
>>>>>>>>>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff 18 2011-09-09 13:09 /usr/local/lib/libpng15.so.15 -> libpng15.so.15.5.0
>>>>>>>>>> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 597897 2011-09-09 13:09 /usr/local/lib/libpng15.so.15.4.0
>>>>>>>>>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff 10 2011-09-09 13:09 /usr/local/lib/libpng.a -> libpng15.a
>>>>>>>>>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff 11 2011-09-09 13:09 /usr/local/lib/libpng.la -> libpng15.la
>>>>>>>>>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff 11 2011-09-09 13:09 /usr/local/lib/libpng.so -> libpng15.so
>>>>>>>>>> I made configure with --with-png=/usr/local
>>>>>>>>>> Make fails in this:
>>>>>>>>>> dgambin at coin:~/mapserver-6.0.1$ make
>>>>>>>>>> g++ -g -fPIC -Wall -DHAVE_VSNPRINTF -DNEED_STRLCPY -DNEED_STRLCAT -DNEED_STRRSTR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_LIBXML2 -DUSE_CURL -DUSE_CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH -DUSE_KML -DUSE_WFS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_MYSQL -DUSE_POSTGIS -DPOSTGIS_HAS_SERVER_VERSION -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_AGG_SVG_SYMBOLS -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_FTEX_XSHOW -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DGD_HAS_GET_TRUE_COLOR_PIXEL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_GIF -DUSE_PNG -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_FREETYPE -DDISABLE_CVSID -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/local//include -I/usr/include -Irenderers/agg/include -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include/postgresql -I/usr/include/mysql -DBIG_JOINS=1 -fPIC -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/libxml2 shp2img.o -L. -lmapserver -lfreetype -lz -lgd -L/usr/lib64 -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype -lz -L/usr/local//lib -lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 -lexpat -L/usr/lib64 -lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local//lib -lpng -lgif -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal -L/usr/lib -lpq -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient -lmysqlclient -lcurl -L/usr/lib -lc -lz -lxml2 -lm -lstdc++ -o shp2img
>>>>>>>>>> ./libmapserver.a(mapimageio.o): In function `savePalettePNG':
>>>>>>>>>> /home/dgambin/mapserver-6.0.1/mapimageio.c:274: undefined reference to `png_set_longjmp_fn'
>>>>>>>>>> ./libmapserver.a(mapimageio.o): In function `saveAsPNG':
>>>>>>>>>> /home/dgambin/mapserver-6.0.1/mapimageio.c:461: undefined reference to `png_set_longjmp_fn'
>>>>>>>>>> ./libmapserver.a(mapimageio.o): In function `readPNG':
>>>>>>>>>> /home/dgambin/mapserver-6.0.1/mapimageio.c:738: undefined reference to `png_set_longjmp_fn'
>>>>>>>>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>>>>>>>>> Is there anything wrong here? I'll send you anything else if needed :-)
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks very much
>>>>>>>>>> regards, dejan
>>>>>>>>>> On 12. ruj. 2011., at 10:31, thomas bonfort wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Can you check you are linking against the same version libpng library
>>>>>>>>>>> as the png.h header (i.e. check you don't have multiple png versions
>>>>>>>>>>> installed)
>>>>>>>>>>> 2011/9/12 Dejan Gambin <dejan.gambin at coin.hr>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am still unable to compiče mapserver 6.0.1. I can't find this function (png_set_longjmpfn) defined anywhere. Can someone give me a clue? I am almost sure I am doing some stupid mistake, but for me seems unsolvable :-(
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks very much
>>>>>>>>>>>> regards, dejan
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8. ruj. 2011., at 12:12, Dejan Gambin wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> After many trials and missings, I am still unable to compile MapServer 6.0.1 (6.0.0 also) on my Debian Lenny machine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is the error I get:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ./libmapserver.a(mapimageio.o): In function `savePalettePNG':
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/dgambin/mapserver-6.0.1/mapimageio.c:274: undefined reference to `png_set_longjmp_fn'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ./libmapserver.a(mapimageio.o): In function `saveAsPNG':
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/dgambin/mapserver-6.0.1/mapimageio.c:461: undefined reference to `png_set_longjmp_fn'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ./libmapserver.a(mapimageio.o): In function `readPNG':
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/dgambin/mapserver-6.0.1/mapimageio.c:738: undefined reference to `png_set_longjmp_fn'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is my configure:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ./configure --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gda
>>>>>>>>>>>>> l-config --with-wfs --with-wfsclient --with-wmsclient --enable-debug --with-curl
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -config=/usr/bin/curl-config --with-proj=/usr --with-jpeg --with-freetype=/usr/b
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in/ --with-postgis=/usr/bin/pg_config --with-mysql=/usr/bin/mysql_config --with-
>>>>>>>>>>>>> libiconv=/usr --with-kml=yes --with-php=/usr/include/php5 --with-png=/usr/local
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since I have system libpng 1.2.27-2, I downloaded and installed 1.5.4 and put "--with-png=/usr/local" in my configure file. But seems like it doesn't help. I also tried with 1.4.8. Stiil the same issue. Also tried without "--with-png=/usr/local" (so it should use system libpng)...nothing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have compiled using newest gdal 1.8.1. GDAL compiled ok with libpng 1.5.4.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Am I doing something wrong?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you very much for any useful info
>>>>>>>>>>>>> regards, dejan_______________________________________________
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