[mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo using MySQL join - additional info

Dejan Gambin dejan.gambin at coin.hr
Tue Sep 13 16:51:05 EDT 2011

Of course. And everything works when using ogrinfo for example

On 13. ruj. 2011., at 20:19, Carlos Ruiz wrote:

> Dejan,
> One question: If you look at the OGR supported formats, does MySQL appears ?
> Cheers from México
> IC Carlos Ruiz
> From: Dejan Gambin <dejan.gambin at coin.hr>
> To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo using MySQL join - additional info
> I was finally successful with getting data from joined table through GetFeatureInfo. But:
> 1. It works only for PostgreSQL connection, not with MySQL - is it supposed to be so in MapServer 6? I saw the JOIN documentation changed and there is no MySQL mentioned any more/
> 2. I get nicely returned data from one-to-many join, using templates (thanks to Ted Spradley post). But gml returns only the main data, not the joined data. Is it supposed to be so?
> Thanks very much
> regards, dejan
> On 13. ruj. 2011., at 09:00, Dejan Gambin wrote:
>> Some additional info:
>> Since I need this data only for GetFeatureRequest, it seems like I should use JOIN within a LAYER object. So I did the following:
>> ...
>>   DATA "my"
>>   ...
>>   ...
>>   TEMPLATE "template.html"
>>   HEADER "template_header.html"
>>   FOOTER "template_footer.html"
>>   JOIN
>>     NAME "test"
>>     CONNECTION "MySQL:gis,host=localhost,user=gis,password=gis,tables=katastar_vodnjan"
>> #    CONNECTION "PG:host=localhost user=postgres password=runda711 dbname=vodnjan port=5432"     
>>     TABLE "katastar_vodnjan"
>>     FROM "KO_KC"
>>     TO "broj_ko_kc"
>>     TEMPLATE "template_join.html"
>> #	HEADER "template_header.html"
>> #	FOOTER "template_footer.html"    
>>   END  
>> I tried this with joined data from MySQL and from Postgres. No success. The interesting thing is, when I do:
>> shp2img -m my.map -o image.png -l "mylayer" -all_debug 3
>> I get:
>> [Tue Sep 13 08:58:04 2011].271467 msLoadMap(): 0.029s
>> [Tue Sep 13 08:58:04 2011].356888 msDrawMap(): Layer 0 (katastar_vodnjan_poligon), 0.083s
>> [Tue Sep 13 08:58:04 2011].356943 msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s
>> [Tue Sep 13 08:58:04 2011].356956 msDrawMap() total time: 0.085s
>> [Tue Sep 13 08:58:04 2011].399386 msSaveImage() total time: 0.042s
>> [Tue Sep 13 08:58:04 2011].402773 msPOSTGRESQLJoinClose() already close or never opened.
>> [Tue Sep 13 08:58:04 2011].402821 shp2img total time: 0.161s
>> Does anybody  know what is it? It happens for MySQL and Postgres database join
>> thanks very much
>> dejan
>> On 12. ruj. 2011., at 14:03, Dejan Gambin wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> After solving my compile problem (thanks to thomas), I need to do GetFeatureInfo to a shape layer joined to MySQL table (non-spatial join).
>>> I compiled MapServer with MySQL support and everything seems ok, but "mapserv -v" doesn't return "INPUT=MYSQL". Is it supposed to anyway? Or it is enough to be compiled with gdal/ogr that supports MySQL?
>>> Because - when I do this:
>>> ogrinfo -sql "SELECT * FROM my LEFT JOIN 'MYSQL:gis,host=localhost,user=gis,password=gis'.katastar_vodnjan ON my.KO_KC=katastar_vodnjan.broj_ko_kc" /var/www/data/vodnjan/my.shp
>>> I get all the attributes from shape (dbf) and MySQL, so everything seems fine
>>> But using thi:
>>> LAYER # katastar vodnjan poligoni
>>>   NAME "mylayer"
>>>   CONNECTION "/var/www/data/vodnjan/my.shp"
>>>   DATA "SELECT * FROM my LEFT JOIN 'MYSQL:gis,host=localhost,user=gis,password=gis'.katastar_vodnjan ON my.KO_KC=katastar_vodnjan.broj_ko_kc"
>>> ...
>>> I don't get any information with GetFeatureInfo. The request is like:
>>> http://www.coin.hr/cgi-bin/mywms61?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&BBOX=5403800,4981350,5403980,4981460&SRS=EPSG:31275&WIDTH=400&HEIGHT=300&LAYERS=katastar_vodnjan_poligon&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=true&QUERY_LAYERS=mylayer&INFO_FORMAT=gml&X=200&Y=100
>>> Using the same request with regular mapfile:
>>> LAYER # katastar vodnjan poligoni
>>>   NAME "mylayer"
>>>   DATA "my"
>>> ...
>>> returns one feature and its attributes from the dbf (tha is OK)
>>> I have also tried with JOIN clause in LAYER part, but this doesn't work either. Do I have to use owf? Am I doing something wrong?
>>> regards, dejan
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