[mapserver-users] Generic template for WMS GetFeatureInfo

Hollingbery, Julian julho at kms.dk
Wed Sep 14 09:39:33 EDT 2011

Hi list,

I too want to serve GetFeatureInfo requests. However, I wonder if it is
necessary to have a template per layer, when all I want to do is "show
all attribute values in a HTML table". The thing is, I have a handful of
services with approx. 40 layers in each. Each layer has on average a
dozen attributes, so all in all, I am looking to simplify maintenance of
2000 HTML table cells. Has anyone done anything in a script or
otherwise, so that one can use the same template file on layers with
varying attribute lists?

I am considering utilising the fact that a TEMPLATE statement can
reference a URL: I imagine that this might refer to a PHP-script, which
takes e.g. a database table name, and returns a HTML response with the
column names. Has anyone done anything like this?

Julian Hollingbery

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