[mapserver-users] Yellow lines over generated image

Pete Deffendol pete at mdsc.com
Wed Sep 14 13:38:49 EDT 2011


I'm doing development using Mapserver in the following environment:

* Mac OS X Lion
* Mapserver 6.0.1
* PHP 5.3.6 (shipped with Mac OS X)

My generated image, using PHP Mapscript to load a mapfile and adjust layer visibility, has vertical yellow lines overlaying it in seemingly random places.  If I regenerate the image, the lines are rendered in different locations, sometimes completely covering the image in a yellow tint.

An example can be seen at http://i.imgur.com/j2dNS.png (5.6 KB image)

I've previously used a self-built PHP 5.3.8 on the same system, and have not seen the lines.  They also do not appear on our production server which uses the same Mapserver, PHP 5.3.8, and CentOS Linux.

Has anyone seen this before, and has an idea of how to remedy it?  I can provide more information, build parameters, etc., if desired.


Pete Deffendol
Senior Web Developer
Multimedia Data Services Corp.
pete at mdsc.com

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