[mapserver-users] Text outline not working on line features

Bistrais, Bob Bob.Bistrais at maine.gov
Tue Sep 20 09:45:00 PDT 2011

I'm trying to draw and label road features from a shapefile.  I'd like
to include an outline of the road name text as a halo.  This works fine
on polygon and point features, but is not working for me with the line


Here is the code block:



                  ANGLE auto

                  PARTIALS false

                  FORCE false

                  MINDISTANCE 250

                  POSITION uc

                  COLOR 200 0 0

                  OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255

                  OUTLINEWIDTH 5

                  FONT "verdana"

                  SIZE 12

                  TYPE truetype


                TEXT ([RDNAME])

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