[mapserver-users] bug in mapscript colorObj ?

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 04:12:49 PDT 2011


I try to set transparent color to REFERENCE map, so that the box is 

According to documentation, i use -1 for indication, that the color 
should be transparent

color = mapscript.colorObj(-1,-1,-1)

but this seems to be understood as invalid color, according to

#define MS_VALID_COLOR(color) (((color).red==-1 || (color).green==-1 ||

and the box is filled with red color (default value)

When I use -255 for the colors triplet, it is converted to positive 
integer (and so the box is black).

When I tried to set alpha directly

color.alpha = 0

It did not help

Any hint what to do? Is that a bug in mapserver/mapscript ?


P.S. Sorry for cross posting, not sure, where to find the right answer.

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