[mapserver-users] WCS 1.1 TimeSequence

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 03:38:25 PDT 2012

it seems that WCS 1.1 (mapserver 6.0.3) completely ignores
TemporalDomain. Some code (copy-pasted from 1.0) is commented in
msWCSDescribeCoverage_CoverageDescription11() and GetCoverage
TimeSequence param is not supported at all. If a coverage is defined
with timeposition in mapfile, the result of GetCoverage is empty
raster (all values 0). Anybody was able to get WCS 1.1 with
timeposition working?

Unfortunately 3 of 4 coverages on
http://demo.mapserver.org/cgi-bin/wcs are using timeposition and those
coverages do not work with WCS 1.1.

I am working on WCS client in QGIS, it supports WCS 1.0 and 1.1 and
prefers 1.1. One of the most obvious first tests - demo.mapserver.org
fails. Would not it be better to set demo.mapserver.org to default in
1.0 if one of features configured in mapfile is not fully supported by


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