[mapserver-users] Still impossible to force labels inside their polygons?

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Tue Dec 11 06:33:00 PST 2012


Earlier in the year I had asked about forcing labels in their polygons.   And another person mentioned the issue in September.  At the time Steve W was concerned about complexity and performance in placing labels.  I was thinking lately that maybe this topic could be revisited.  However, this time around instead of dealing with "optimal" label placement within a polygon, maybe something much simpler would be better.  For example:

-FALSE: Use the BBOX for labeling.  This is the current behavior, which is fast and should remain as the default.      
-TRUE: Once the label is placed using the current label placement engine, check to make sure the BBOX of label falls within the actual boundary of the polygon, if it does not then skip the label.

This keyword should not be confused with any algorithm that places labels in an optimal position within the polygon such as one that tries to place a label horizontally, then strait if it doesn't fit.  Last, since check label fit is optional, this keyword should only impact performance on layers that a user wants to verify that the label is correctly placed.  It would never be needed for a layer where the polygons are rectangular such as sections, or townships.  However it may be critical on soil layers.

Just some thoughts



Mark Volz
GIS Specialist

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