[mapserver-users] Does Mapserver utilise Spatialite spatial index correctly?

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Sat Feb 11 13:44:10 PST 2012


I've continued playing with your OSM data.

I've got extra performance by adding attribute indexes, so that every field you 
use in a WHERE clause is indexed. For example for the roadsclose, railways and 
landuse layers, you could create the following indexes:

CREATE INDEX idx_osm_line_railway ON osm_line(railway)
CREATE INDEX idx_osm_line_highway ON osm_line(highway)
CREATE INDEX idx_osm_polygon_landuse ON osm_polygon(landuse)
CREATE INDEX idx_osm_polygon_leisure ON osm_polygon(leisure)
CREATE INDEX idx_osm_polygon_amenity ON osm_polygon(amenity)
CREATE INDEX idx_osm_polygon_aeroway ON osm_polygon(aeroway)
CREATE INDEX idx_osm_polygon_natural ON osm_polygon(natural)
CREATE INDEX idx_osm_polygon_highway ON osm_polygon(highway)
CREATE INDEX idx_osm_polygon_waterway ON osm_polygon(waterway)

Best regards,


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