[mapserver-users] Mapserver + PostGIS ==> Blank Screen

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sun Feb 12 16:48:15 PST 2012

Opened a ticket for this problem:


Add yourselves to the CC list if you want to track it.

-Steve W

On 2/12/2012 7:10 PM, Brent Fraser wrote:
> Yikes!   That looks like a compatibility problem.  PostGIS has been
> changing their function names (e.g. from "GeomFromText" to
> "ST_GeomFromText"), and I don't  think Mapserver has kept up.  Can you
> use an older version of PostGIS (<2.0)?
> http://postgis.refractions.net/pipermail/postgis-devel/2012-January/017272.html
> Best Regards,
> Brent Fraser
> On 2/12/2012 3:06 PM, cheryl buckley wrote:
>> Hi Brent,
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> The SRS my data is stored in WGS84.
>> Unfortunately, I am not getting configuration file right. I adjusted
>> the map EXTENT to something smaller,
>> Map
>> Extent 16 -28 25 -16
>> The layer extent I also adjusted to the output image of the contour data,
>> Layer
>> Extent 17.002 -20.965 18.007 -20.002
>> I played around with the figures a little but I get this error message
>> at all times,
>> "msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named
>> 'Contour'. msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Query error. Error (ERROR:
>> function geomfromtext(unknown, integer) does not exist LINE 1:
>> ...R'),'hex') as geom,"gid" from atest where geom && GeomFromTe... ^
>> HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might
>> need to add explicit type casts. ) executing query: select
>> encode(ST_AsBinary(ST_Force_2D("geom"),'NDR'),'hex') as geom,"gid"
>> from atest where geom && GeomFromText('POLYGON((15.8348164627364
>> -28,15.8348164627364 -16,25.1651835372636 -16,25.1651835372636
>> -28,15.8348164627364 -28))',4326)"
>> Since this is my first time configurating a mapfile, I am unsure of
>> what is essential and what not, thus, I copied and pasted the script
>> and adjusted it to my CONNECTION details. I am not too sure whether it
>> is vital to have both a "map extent" and a "layer extend"?
>> Do you perhaps have any hints in this regard?
>> Best Regards
>> Cheryl
>> On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 6:49 PM, Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com
>> <mailto:bfraser at geoanalytic.com>> wrote:
>>     Cherly,
>>      One issue could be that you've asked Mapserver to render the
>>     entire world:
>>     EXTENT    -90 -180 90 180 <tel:90%20-180%2090%20180>
>>     into a small image:
>>     mapsize=600+800
>>     Adjust the extents of the output image to be the extent of you
>>     contour data.  I see that you've given that in your LAYER definition
>>                EXTENT        143 -20 145 -19
>>     so try that for the map extent (but I think it would be valid only
>>     if the contours were stored in a Geographic system and not a
>>     Projected system).  What SRS are you storing your data in?  The
>>     same as your display (EPSG:4326)?
>>     Best Regards,
>>     Brent Fraser
>>     On 2/12/2012 9:43 AM, cheryl buckley wrote:
>>         Hi,
>>         I'm trying to get Mapserver connected with PostGIS. PostGIS is
>>         holding
>>         a shape2pgsql contourline import in the table "atest" while a
>>         test has
>>         the following columns (shape2pgsql default):
>>         --------------------------------------
>>         | Actions | gid | id | height | geom |
>>         --------------------------------------
>>         Quantum GIS picks the conection up perfectly to atest but with
>>         Mapserver I just get a blank screen - or the color of
>>         IMAGECOLOR [. .
>>         .] definition in test-2.map definitions.
>>         Somehow it seems like I got the connection between Mapserver and
>>         PostGIS running - at least the debug.log doesn't complain. But
>>         still
>>         I'm not seeing any of my contour lines as I'm used to by
>>         Quantum GIS
>>         ;(
>>         Could someone give me a hint of what I'm missing out or where
>>         my mistake is?
>>         I got the feeling that it is either has something to do with
>>         the DATA
>>         property or the projection properties …
>>         The Link with which I call the mapserv binary is:
>>         <>
>>         But then it complains:
>>         msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Unable to initialize image.
>>         msPrepareImage(): General error message. Image dimensions not
>>         specified. msCalculateScale(): General error message. Invalid
>>         image
>>         width or height.
>>         So I changed it to the following:
>>         <>
>>         which results in no errors but therefore in a blank screen with a
>>         clean debug.log ...
>>         Even this one wont change anything:
>>         <>
>>         . . . my test-2.map definition is below:
>>         P.S.: TEMPLATE "./Maps/test.map" does exist and is read and
>>         writeable
>>         to the user which runs the webserver (Apache =>  User: www)
>>         CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "/usr/local/share/proj/" should also be valid:
>>         FreeBSD [~]# ls /usr/local/share/proj
>>         FL                      WO                      hawaii
>>                  null                                    stlrnc
>>         GL27            alaska          nad.lst
>>         nzgd2kgrid0005.gsb      stpaul
>>         IGNF            conus           nad27
>>         other.extra                     world
>>         MD                      epsg                    nad83
>>                   proj_def.dat
>>         TN                      esri                    ntf_r93.gsb
>>                   prvi
>>         WI                      esri.extra              ntv1_can.dat
>>                  stgeorge
>>         # =================================== test-2.map
>>         =================================== #
>>         MAP
>>             CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "/usr/local/share/proj/"
>>             CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "./debug.log"
>>             DEBUG 5
>>             IMAGECOLOR 100 100 100
>>             NAME "Contour"
>>             EXTENT    -90 -180 90 180 <tel:90%20-180%2090%20180>
>>             STATUS    ON
>>             PROJECTION
>>         "init=epsg:4326"
>>             END
>>             WEB
>>                 METADATA
>>                     WMS_NAME "Contour"
>>                     WMS_TITLE "SRTM - ContourLines"
>>                     WMS_ABSTRACT "My First Web Map Server"
>>                     WMS_SERVER_VERSION "1.1.1"
>>                     WMS_SRS "EPSG:4326"
>>                     WMS_ONLINERESOURCE
>>         ""
>>                     WMS_ATTRIBUTION_TITLE "Some Attribute Title"
>>         "http://www.myHomepage.com/"
>>                     WMS_KEYWORDLIST
>>         "DEM,SRTM,Contourlines,Contour,Lines,Digital,Area,Model"
>>                     WMS_FEATURE_INFO_MIME_TYPE "text/html"
>>                     WMS_CONTACTELECTRONICMAILADDRESS "User at Domain.tld"
>>         <mailto:User at Domain.tld>
>>                     WMS_CONTACTPERSON "Some Reference Person"
>>                     WMS_CONTACTVOICETELEPHONE "+49-phoneNumber"
>>                     WMS_CONTACTORGANIZATION "Private"
>>                     WMS_ENCODING "utf-8"
>>                 END
>>             END
>>             LAYER # query layer from PostgreSQL table
>>                     NAME "Contour"
>>                     EXTENT        143 -20 145 -19
>>                     TYPE          LINE
>>                     STATUS        ON
>>                     DEBUG         ON
>>                     TEMPLATE "./Maps/test.map"
>>                     DUMP          true
>>                     METADATA
>>                         WMS_NAME "Contour"
>>                         WMS_TITLE "Contour Lines - 90m"
>>                         WMS_ABSTRACT "Contour Lines - 90m"
>>                         WMS_SRS "EPSG:4326"
>>                         GML_INCLUDE_ITEMS "all"
>>                     END
>>                     CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS
>>                     CONNECTION "host= port=5432
>>         dbname=my_spatial_db user=admin password=******"
>>                     DATA "geom FROM atest using unique gid using
>>         srid=4326"
>>                     CLASS
>>                         STYLE
>>                             COLOR 000 000 000
>>                             OUTLINECOLOR 199 199 199
>>                     END
>>                 END
>>             END
>>         END
>>         #
>>         ==================================================================================
>>         #
>>         # =================================== debug.log
>>         =================================== #
>>         FreeBSD [/usr/local/www/cgi-bin/Maps]# cat ./debug.log
>>         [Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].3032 CGI Request 1 on process 2663
>>         [Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].10325 msDrawMap(): rendering using
>>         outputformat named png (AGG/PNG).
>>         [Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].10365 msDrawMap(): WMS/WFS set-up
>>         and query, 0.000s
>>         [Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].10388 msDrawMap(): Drawing Label
>>         Cache, 0.000s
>>         [Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].10398 msDrawMap() total time: 0.007s
>>         [Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].76893 msSaveImage(stdout) total
>>         time: 0.066s
>>         [Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].77721 mapserv request processing time
>>         (loadmap not incl.): 0.075s
>>         [Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].77749 msFreeMap(): freeing map at
>>         0x29879800.
>>         [Sat Feb 11 19:02:01 2012].77839 msPostGISLayerIsOpen called.
>>         #
>>         ==================================================================================
>>         #
>>         _______________________________________________
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>>         mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
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>> --
>> Greetings
>> Cheryl
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