[mapserver-users] Re: from kml styles to mapserver layer classification

Mr. Puneet Kishor punk.kish at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 19:05:22 PST 2012

On Feb 20, 2012, at 4:44 PM, Puneet Kishor wrote:

> I have a kml with a bunch of styles to color polygons. Is there a quick/easy way to extract them and convert them to MapServer layer classification rules?

the above actually turned out to be a lot easier than I thought... about 4 lines of Perl.

Now, I have a table with geometry, and colors for each feature.

    CREATE TABLE t (attr, hex_color, the_geom);

How can I color the polys in the layer with the hex_color values? Looking at the map file docs, I came up with something like so

        NAME "foo"
        DATA "the_geom FROM (SELECT gid, rgb(hex_color) AS rgb_color, the_geom FROM t) tmp USING UNIQUE gid USING srid=4326"
        STATUS ON
            TYPE POLYGON
                    COLOR [rgb_color]
                    OUTLINECOLOR 68 68 68

where rgb() converts "hex_color" to a string of RGB triplets. So, "000000" becomes "0 0 0".

Is the above correct? For now, it doesn't seem to be working for me.

Many tia,

Puneet Kishor

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