[mapserver-users] OGR and MSSQL non-specific error

Anzel, Phil - NRCS, Fort Collins, CO Phil.Anzel at ftc.usda.gov
Wed Feb 29 09:30:45 PST 2012

Hi, Tamas,

Your reference to a geometry_metadata table is puzzling; we do not have that in our Sql Server 2008 databases except under one condition: those databases that were modified by addition of ESRI’s “SDE” product. We find that in these databases, the ownership of the geometry_metadata table is “sde”, which is quite telling.

Thanks for looking into this.

- Phil

From: Tamas Szekeres [mailto:szekerest at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 1:41 AM
To: Anzel, Phil - NRCS, Fort Collins, CO
Cc: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] OGR and MSSQL non-specific error

2012/2/28 Anzel, Phil - NRCS, Fort Collins, CO <Phil.Anzel at ftc.usda.gov<mailto:Phil.Anzel at ftc.usda.gov>>
Hi, Tamas,

I believe there is at least one bug in the OGR code: the SRID is not properly retrieved from the underlying Sql Server 2008 database or its value is ignored, and therefore zero records are returned.

Probably the geometry_columns metadata table contains incorrect srid for the NAV_STATE entry.

I also note that all columns are returned. That is unfortunate, as that could potentially represent quite a bit of network traffic,

This is a subject of improvement in the mapserver ogr driver. OGR is now capable to limit the fields by using OGR_L_SetIgnoredFields, but it hasn't been utilized yet. We should also modify the OGR mssql driver to rely on OGRFieldDefn::IsIgnored just like for the sqlite driver. Added 2 tickets to implement this addition:

Best regards,


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