AW: [mapserver-users] Mapserver <ogc:Filter> fails against Geoserver WFS

Eichner, Andreas - SID-NLKM Andreas.Eichner at
Sun Jan 8 23:58:11 PST 2012

At least in version 6.0.1 MapServer checks if a <Filter> or <ogc:Filter> tag was given in wfs_filter metadata and uses this. So you should be able to use <Filter> without a namespace prefix.

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: mapserver-users-bounces at
> [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at] Im Auftrag
> von Michal Šrédl
> Gesendet: Freitag, 6. Januar 2012 10:52
> An: mapserver-users at
> Cc: Premysl Vohnout; Jachym Cepicky
> Betreff: [mapserver-users] Mapserver <ogc:Filter> fails
> against Geoserver WFS
> Dear all,
> I am not able to use WFS filter in Mapserver Mapfile against the
> Geoserver WFS, apparently as Mapserver produces invalid XML as the
> final filter that goes to the request.
> In Mapfile, I say
>       "wfs_filter"  '<ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo
> xmlns:ogc=""><ogc:PropertyName>STUPE
> (the whole Mapfile is attached)
> The request that leaves Mapserver towards the Geoserver WFS
> looks like this:
> RSION=1.0.0&SERVICE=WFS&TYPENAME=ccss:Flood2010_FloodActivityG
rade&FILTER=<ogc:Filter><ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo+xmlns:ogc=""><og> c:PropertyName>STUPEN</ogc:PropertyName><ogc:Literal>3</ogc:Li
> Please note the <ogc:Filter> filter tag - with namespace used, but not
> defined. This is an issue, as it is not valid and Geoserver replies
> with an exception.
> Changing manually the filter tag either to <Filter> or
> <ogc:Filter+xmlns:ogc=""> makes the whole
> thing work. Unfortunately, the Mapserver documentation [1] says, that
> "The filter given as a value of the wfs_filter metadata should not
> contain <Filter> start and end tags."
> So whatever I provide as the "wfs_filter" value, is later broken by
> <ogc:Filter> tag.
> Do you consider it a bug? Or is there any way how to make Mapserver to
> create the filter as valid XML? Or let me include the <Filter> tag in
> the "wfs_filter"?
> Thank you for your advice,
> Michal
> Note: Mapserver itself wouldn't mind such a behaviour and would accept
> such a request, e.g. this one:
> re&VERSION=1.0.0&SERVICE=WFS&TYPENAME=okresy&FILTER=<ogc:Filte
r><ogc:PropertyIsLessThan+xmlns:ogc=""><ogc:PropertyName>> KODOK</ogc:PropertyName><ogc:Literal>3555</ogc:Literal></ogc:P
> ropertyIsLessThan></ogc:Filter>
> But Geoserver is not that tolerant...
> [1]

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