[mapserver-users] Mapserver Layer Filter
Gabe Codina
Gabe at Agtrix.com
Thu Jan 12 16:09:01 PST 2012
We do something similar here is how we implement your solution 3
PLUGIN ".\msplugin_mssql2008.dll"
DATA "gExtent FROM (SELECT * FROM tm_points WHERE type!=’GRØFT’)AS FOO
Note the connection string needs to access your MSSQL Instance and the
plugin dll must be available the format of the data statement lets you put
quite a complex SQL statement inside the ()s.
Gabe Codina
From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Hawk AA
Sent: Friday, 13 January 2012 3:24 AM
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapserver Layer Filter
Hi there, Mailing List,
We have a customer that wants their maps to be published online, but some of
the features is confidential and should not be displayed.
We have added following to the layer definition:
FILTER ('[type]' != "GRØFT ")
It works, the features with type GRØFT are not showed in the map.
However, we have a window that let the user browse the data, and it will be
possible to access the features of type GRØFT. When you press “show in map”,
the JavaScript clients triggers a WFS request with a filter asking for
elements with the current ID. By doing this, WFS omits the LAYER FILTER
definition, so the element can be showed in the map, even if it is of type
GRØFT. I need a way to make sure the WFS can’t deliver any data of type
I’ve seen three possible solutions:
1. We have a service that automatically converts uploaded MapInfo
*.TAB-files to SHP. If I am correct, I could use the “-where”-argument on
the ogr2ogr to filter data and only get features which does not have type
GRØFT. I hope I do not have to do this, since debugging and developing a
windows service is quite tricky.
2. Add additional filter values to the WFS query. I could also define
the types not to show in the JavaScript, and let the application
automatically add <PropertyIsNotEqualTo>-tags to the AJAX query. This would
be less secure, and I need to define types not to show at two places.
3. The best solution in my eyes is to let the magic happen in the
MAP-file, and that is mostly why I am posting here. Is there a way to add a
query to the Layer Data definition, like you do if you are querying a MSSQL
database? I can imagine a syntax like this:
DATA "SELECT * FROM tm_points WHERE type!=’GRØFT’”
It does not seem to work.
Any suggestions, especially regarding the third solution?
Best regards,
Håkon Åmdal
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