[mapserver-users] SOS Configuration
Florence.Tan at csiro.au
Florence.Tan at csiro.au
Tue Jan 17 00:32:15 PST 2012
Hi List,
I am new to the list and have been trying to setup MapServer's SOS Server to serve some observation data. I have created a map file and managed to have GetCapabilities working. But when trying out the GetObservation, I am confused... not much helpful documentation around and have found this discussion from the old SOS User forum : http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/SOS-disconnect-td1992064.html. However, still confused on how to map a database column to SOS output !?!?
Metadata for the layer in my map file :
"sos_value_alias" "value_test" ## value is the name of the db clumn
"sos_value_componenturl" "http://test.org#value_test"
"sos_procedure" "unknown"
"sos_offering_id" "waterstorage"
"sos_offering_description" "value_test"
"sos_observedproperty_id" "9"
"sos_describesensor_url" "http://localhost/TEST123.xml"
"sos_srs" "init=epsg:4283"
"sos_offering_timeextent" "1900/2010"
The database connection is successful and the GetCapabilities return the following sos information :
- <sos:Contents>
- <sos:ObservationOfferingList>
- <sos:ObservationOffering gml:id="waterstorage">
- <!-- WARNING: Optional metadata "sos_offering_name" missing for gml:name
- <!-- WARNING: Optional metadata "sos_offering_intendedapplication" missing for sos:intendedApplication
- <sos:time>
- <gml:TimePeriod>
<sos:procedure xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:procedure:unknown" />
- <sos:observedProperty>
- <swe:CompositePhenomenon gml:id="9" dimension="7">
<swe:component xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:property:OGC-SWE:1:feature" />
<swe:component xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:property:OGC-SWE:1:identifier" />
<swe:component xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:property:OGC-SWE:1:ftype" />
<swe:component xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:property:OGC-SWE:1:value_test" />
<swe:component xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:property:OGC-SWE:1:type" />
<swe:component xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:property:OGC-SWE:1:description" />
<swe:component xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:property:OGC-SWE:1:yearofcompletion" />
<sos:featureOfInterest xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:feature:OGC-SWE:3:transient" />
<sos:responseFormat>text/xml; subtype="om/1.0.0"</sos:responseFormat>
GetObservation (http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=C:/ms4w/apps/sos/sos_test.map&Request=GetObservation&service=SOS&OFFERING=waterstorage&observedproperty=9&version=1.0.0&responseFormat=text/xml; subtype="om/1.0.0") return the following :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
- <om:ObservationCollection xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1" xmlns:swe="http://www.opengis.net/swe/1.0.1" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:sos="http://www.opengis.net/sos/1.0" xmlns:ms="http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/mapserver" xmlns:om="http://www.opengis.net/om/1.0" gml:id="waterstorage" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/om/1.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/om/1.0.0/om.xsd http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/mapserver">
<gml:description xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml">value_test</gml:description>
My quesions are :
1) How do I map a db clumn to a sos output ?? Do i have to create "sos_dbColumn_alias" for each column ?
2) What's the purpose of "sos_dbColumn_componenturl" ? Do I need to create this for each dbColumn ?
3) I have map the "sos_offering_description" "value_test", why does the getCapabilities and getObservation return "value_test" as a constant rather then retrieving data from the database ?
Appreciave if someone could point out what is the problem of the map file or point me to some useful documentation or tutorial on set up SOS in MapServer.
Thanks & Regards,
Florence Tan
Research Projects Officer | ASRDC
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Phone: +61 8 6436 8802 | Fax: +61 8 6436 8559
florence.tan at csiro.au<mailto:florence.tan at csiro.au> | www.csiro.au
Address: Australian Resources Research Centre, 26 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington WA 6151
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