[mapserver-users] File Map & SLD rendering

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sat Mar 10 07:38:26 PST 2012

On 3/10/2012 2:58 AM, Andrea Peri wrote:
> Hi,
> I like to use the SLD to describe the rendering of a WMS service.
> I understand the SLD is usable as a querystring parameter from a remote
> call, but
> I like instead to use it as a server side configuration setting.
> Is this possible ?

Not that I am aware of. Currently mapserver uses its mapfile for 
defining the layers and styles. There is also an XML mapfile utility 
that will allow you to define the mapfile in XML and then convert it to 
the standard mapfile so mapserver can read it.

-Steve W

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