[mapserver-users] Clustering based on a classified column

Frank Broniewski brfr at metrico.lu
Tue Mar 20 08:08:54 PDT 2012


I just had the same idea as you, Stephan, to cluster features based on 
attribute values. I think your expression fails because "1" != 1, so 
basically you can't do maths (<>) with the Cluster:FeatureCount, just 
String comparisons.
Actually I don't understand the reason why that is so. Imo 
ClusterFeatureCount should return a number, not a String.


Am 20.10.2011 10:36, schrieb Stephan Holl:
> Hello Tamas,
> thanks for you reply.
> Tamas Szekeres<szekerest at gmail.com>, [20111019 - 19:04:22]
>> I'm not sure exactly what you would like to achieve.
> Sorry, let my show an example to make it clear:
> I have a classified layer based on the following CLASSES
>    NAME "bar"
>    EXPRESSION ('[typ]'='bar')
>    STYLE
>      SYMBOL "bar"
>     END
>    NAME "foo"
>    EXPRESSION ('[typ]'='foo')
>    STYLE
>      SYMBOL "foo"
>     END
> ... more CLASSes
> As you see, they are classified by the values of the column [typ].
> What I want to achieve is adding a label (with the
> Cluster:FeatureCount as text) if the different classes have more
> identical attributes within the MAXDISTANCE.
> What I currently do is adding another CLASS:
> LABELITEM "Cluster:FeatureCount"
>    NAME "Clustered foo"
>    EXPRESSION ("[Cluster:FeatureCount]">  "1"&&  '[typ]'='foo')
>    STYLE
>      SYMBOL "foo"
>     END
>    STYLE
>      SIZE 20
>      OFFSET 15 15
>      SYMBOL "circle"
>      COLOR 255 0 0
>    END
>    LABEL
>      FONT freesans
>      SIZE 10
>      COLOR 255 255 255
>      OFFSET 15 15
>      PRIORITY 10
>      BUFFER 1
>      POSITION cc
>    END
>    NAME "foo"
>    EXPRESSION ('[typ]'='foo')
>    STYLE
>      SYMBOL "foo"
>     END
> ... more CLASSes
> The problem of the above is, that I have to include the SYMBOL 'foo'
> also in the clustered CLASS, because the normal SYMBOL does not show up
> (because it is not there since it is clustered now...).
> But: I have to do that for all classes I have currently (about 25).
> My thinking was about a dynamic classification and clustering based on
> the attributes of a specific column ([typ]), but I cannot make it work.
> Does this make more sense to you now?
>> The GROUP setting
>> specifies which features may belong to the same cluster. This setting
>> can be an expression (including the feature attributes) which
>> evaluates to a string value. Features with different group string
>> value are not used within the same cluster.
>> The FILTER setting can also be an expression (including the feature
>> attributes or the aggregated attributes) which evaluates to a boolean
>> value. This boolean determines whether the particular shapes should
>> be filtered out or not in the clustering process.
> Thanks for your clarification, this is helpful for my understanding.
>> You can continue to use the CLASSITEM setting or class EXPRESSION
>> (including the aggregated attributes, like Cluster:FeatureCount in
>> the expressions) to control which class is used to display a
>> particular clustered shape.
>> What do you mean by validation in the GROUP or FILTER expressions?
> Does my above example more sense to you?
> Best
> 	Stephan
>> 2011/10/19 Stephan Holl<stephan.holl at intevation.de>
>>> Dear mapservers,
>>> I am playing arround with the CLUSTER-directive and I am going fine.
>>> Though there are some questions left I cannot answer by myself and
>>> the documentation.
>>> Is it possible to cluster a POINT layer based on a specific
>>> attribute columns? THis column is the  basis of the classification
>>> of the layer.
>>> What I want to achive is adding a label to each CLASS if the
>>> Cluster:FeatureCount is>  1.
>>> The docs do not make it clear for me if CLUSTER:GROUP or
>>> CLUSTER:FILTER is the correct stuff. Neither of them work during
>>> tests.
>>> Could someone tell me if this could be done with the CLUSTERing?
>>> And the bonus-question: if this is possible, are validation-pattern
>>> taken into account within GROUP or FILTER?
>>> Looking forward to your suggestions.
>>> TIA
>>> Best regards
>>>         Stephan
>>> --
>>> Stephan Holl<stephan.holl at intevation.de>  | Tel.: +49 (0)541-33 508
>>> 3663 Intevation GmbH, Neuer Graben 17, 49074 OS  |  AG Osnabrück -
>>> HR B 18998 Geschäftsführer:  Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter, Dr.
>>> Jan-Oliver Wagner
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